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“I’ve known plenty of people with money who made less-than-moral choices. Money doesn’t determine a person’s character. If so, that would make for a sad world.” She slipped her hand into his again and held firm. “I’ve seen the kind of man you are, and everything I’ve observed is so admirable it takes my breath away.”

“You’re letting me off the hook too easily.” He wanted to believe her, believe it could be this simple. But he was still so damn afraid of hurting her, of letting Natalie and the kids down.

“What do you want for your life, Max?”

“That’s too simple a question.” He didn’t understand how that would fix the problems between them. Didn’t see how his wishes did a damn thing to make him the kind of father she needed for her children.

Those cool green eyes seemed to turn to fire. Her gentle features darkened, her brow knitting. “Actually, it isn’t. It’s a very complex, important question. You’re such an ambitious man, such a kingdom builder on a professional level. Why is it so difficult for you to make wishes on a personal level?”

“Because,” he admitted the truth through gritted teeth, “losing people hurts more than losing any fortune. It’s not worth the risk.”

She clasped both his hands in hers and squeezed hard. “Max, I’ve lost, too. I’m scared, too, believe me.” Her exhale was shaky, but her gaze was steady. “But I’m more afraid of the regrets I’ll have if I don’t take this risk and ask you. And I’m asking you, what do you want for your life?”

He told himself he wasn’t going to do this. Still, he found himself speaking the deepest truth of his heart.

“I want you.” The need was simple, after all. So damn straightforward and true. “I want to be the kind of man Colby and Lexie deserve to have bringing them up.”

“That’s an amazing start. What else do you want?”

He cleared his throat and dared say what he wanted most of all. “I want your love.”

Her eyes went shiny with unshed tears that glistened with joy. “You have that. Completely.” She leaned toward him until their clasped hands touched, heart to heart. “I am absolutely, completely in love with you, Max. St. Cloud.”

Relief rushed through him and he kissed her hard, holding, sealing this moment in his mind forever before he whispered against her lips. “And I love you, Natalie Valentine. I swear to you, I am going spend every day of my life proving to you how much I adore you and your children. I’m going to work—”

“Shhh.” She kissed him silent. “I know. I believe you. Let’s get back to talking about what you want.”

Her words surprised him, but the answer was so clear, so right, he wondered why he hadn’t dared trust it before. “I want to find a way to be a part of Royal, Texas, and build a cabin home in Washington.”

She grinned, surprise coloring her eyes. “A cabin home?”

“A place with a yard and a kick-ass kitchen. A good spot to fish with Colby. A private landing strip on the property so we could fly back and forth with the kids and Miss Molly.”

“That sounds like more than a cabin.”

He wrapped his arms around her and slid her onto his lap. “When I dream, I dream big, Natalie.”

Her arms draped over his shoulders, her fingers toying with his hair. “Big dreams are a good thing.”

He grazed his mouth over hers. “And making them come true is even better.”

* * * * *
