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Neither Diel nor his monster did lovers. They played no part in their life.

They had never fucked anyone, never even kissed a person. They didn’t get hard for either men or women. They only got hard for kills and blood and the heady feeling that came with stabbing someone through their heart and watching their eyes widen and their lungs fight to breathe. The only time Diel came was when the hot spray of blood would spatter across his face, or when he was looking down at a face that was unrecognizable as the person they’d once been.

But Noa … fucking Noa! She was all up in his head, in his chest and pictured clearly in the monster’s mind. He could feel the shift in him, his constant rage lighting with a different kind of flame.

Diel’s monster worked his hand faster and faster as he pictured her on the bed, completely naked and massaging her tits, hips rolling in pleasure. He could almost feel her skin under his hands, riddled with scars and burns, but feeling like velvet and satin to his rough touch. He could feel the Coven’s brand under his palms, marring her smooth skin.

Wrecked, just like him.

He groaned, his hips punching forward as his cock ran through his tight fist. Was this what it would be like to fuck her? What would she taste like if he licked her skin … if he licked her pussy … ?

Sweat clashed with the shower water as the monster drove his thrusts harder and harder. It envisioned sinking into Noa, her brown eyes latched on Diel’s and her nails slicing into the skin of his back. He’d lick along her scars, the burns and the brand, until he sank inside her and took her. Until she screamed underneath him and he came inside her, marking her as his.

Diel closed his eyes tightly. Light burst behind his eyelids as he came, a tense snarl echoing off the bathroom walls, Noa’s name ripping from his lips.

As his body shook with exertion, his monster slunk back into the darkness, satisfied for now, but leaving Diel spent and breathless, leaning against the slick wall. His body was drained, and his collar hissed from his accelerated pulse. But it wasn’t because he was losing control. It was because his mind was reeling, confusion running thickly in his blood.

Diel looked down at his hands. They were shaking. His skin was flashing between hot and cold, and his throat had gone completely dry. He shook his head to rid himself of his monster’s fantasy of Noa naked on the bed. Pushing the heels of his hands into his eyes, he dropped to the floor of the shower. He didn’t want to fucking see it. He didn’t want to fuck her, didn’t want to touch her or have her touch him.

He killed. He killed and he slaughtered, and he fought his fucking monster.

That was Diel’s life. Not this shit.

Flashes of Purgatory barreled into his brain. Heavy, putrid breaths in his ear as he was tied, belly down, on the rack. Pain and sweat and the rancid body odor of whatever priest had decided to exorcise him that day.

Diel gasped and scrambled to his knees, pushing himself up on unsteady feet. Diel’s monster was already growing too strong. With its new interest in Noa … Diel couldn’t fight it. He couldn’t do it. He was already cleaved in two, his monster gaining strength day by day. He couldn’t fight this battle over Noa too.

Gabriel had made a mistake. A deadly one. Diel needed the Coven fucking gone. He had to make them fucking go before it became the thing to finally destroy him. She would fucking destroy him.


Diel snarled, and his monster shifted to the forefront of his brain, extending its claws in warning against even thinking about hurting her. But Diel didn’t want Noa. He needed her gone …

He needed her dead.

He pushed out of the shower stall and wrapped a towel around his waist. Diel slammed out of the bathroom, a red mist descending over his eyes. This time, the murder he craved had nothing to do with the monster, and everything to do with him.

When he stepped out into his bedroom, he saw Sela on the cushioned seat of the bay window, drawing on his sketchpad. His long dark hair was hanging over one shoulder. Sela looked up at Diel and narrowed his dark eyes. “Haven’t calmed down yet?”

Diel’s nostrils flared and his lip curled in disgust. His stomach tensed as he kept his monster down deep, unable to break free and sink its claws into his motherfucking brain.

“He shouldn’t have brought them here,” Diel spat, and he moved to his closet to get out a pair of sweatpants. He threw them on and came back out into his bedroom.

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