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We stack our plates full of lasagna, salad, and bread, and I’d bet my shop that Briar planned it on purpose, knowing it’s my favorite, though she’d never admit it. This is a get-together to celebrate her, yet she makes my favorite meal. That’s just how she is. Her thoughtfulness used to make me uncomfortable, still does sometimes, but I’ve mostly learned to accept it by now.

Everyone finds a seat wherever they can. I opt for the couch, and Ash sits next to me, while Briar sits at the kitchen table with her mom, brother, Sutton, and Logan. Cord, Cam, and Mollie sit at the counter while River, who refuses to be contained to her seat, plays at their feet as they bribe her to eat her lasagna, bite by bite.

“How’s married life?” I ask Ash. They’re not married yet, but they for damn sure act like it. I met Ash when he was just a fucked-up kid. He was in a bad place, I gave him a job and a place to stay, and we’ve been family ever since. Truthfully, he reminded me of myself. The only difference is Ash’s guilt and self-loathing is misplaced, whereas I’m one hundred percent responsible for the mistakes that plague me. There’s no way around it.

Asher is only a few years younger than me, but he seems to think I have my shit together. I do on the

outside, but inside? I’m more fucked up than he knows. I just don’t care to show it.

“Can’t complain.” He shrugs, picture of nonchalance, as always, but I speak fluent Asher, and I know that really means life couldn’t be better. He’s fucking crazy over that girl, and he almost fucked it up. Several times.

“Her dad still a piece of shit?”

“Pretty much.” He leans forward with his elbows on his knees and tosses his wadded-up napkin onto his plate. “I don’t think anyone really hears from him much, unless it’s Christmas or someone’s birthday. He did offer Dash a job, though.” Ash huffs out a sardonic laugh. “I don’t know why the fuck he thought that would go over well.”

“What about you? You doing all right?”

Ash’s head is down, eyes on the floor, and he nods his answer. We don’t usually do this whole girl-talk thing, but I feel it’s my duty to check in on him every now and then. Especially since his dad passed a couple of years ago. They, like most families, had a dysfunctional relationship, and I know he feels guilty for how things went down at the end. I never met my parents—have no idea if they’re alive or dead—but regardless, we’re in the no parent club together.

Logan laughs at something Briar says, catching my attention. She tosses her head back, laughing loud and unfiltered, just like her. She sits surrounded by all my friends, completely at ease, and if you were on the outside looking in, you’d probably guess that they were lifelong friends and I was the outsider.

“What’s up with you and that one?” Ash says, flicking his chin in Logan’s direction.

“That…was the distraction.”

“It’s like that?” Ash asks, his eyebrows rising.

“It’s not like anything. She came in looking for a job, then she gave me a ride home when my truck was at the shop. She’s Henry’s kid,” I add.

“No shit? I didn’t know Henry had a kid.”

“That’s what I said. He’s got two, apparently. I don’t think they’re close, though.”

“Do we know anyone with normal parents anymore?”

“A few, maybe.” I shrug. “I think it’s more normal to be fucked up these days.”

“We’re normal as fuck then.”


Dash walks over with three bottles of beer in hand, sitting on the couch on the other side of me, then sets a bottle in front of each of us.

“So, who’s the new girl?” he asks in a hushed tone.

“Dare’s distraction,” Asher answers.

“Would you shut the fuck up? I liked you better when you were miserable.”

Adrian approaches, nudging Dash, making us all move down, and then we’re all four crammed onto one couch.

“Sutton looks pretty fucking hot tonight,” Adrian says, not bothering to lower his voice.

“I can hear you,” Sutton deadpans, and Logan tries and fails to smother her smile, shaking her head at Adrian.

“All right,” I say, slapping both palms against the tops of my knees before standing. “This is a little too close for me.”

“We’re out,” Cam announces, lifting River into his arms before wrapping a blanket around her. “Congrats, again, Bry.” He gives Briar a hug, and she kisses River’s cheek. Mollie hugs her, too, and Briar thanks them for coming. Cordell decides to catch a ride with them, too.
