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“That’s right,” she taunts. “I saw your screen when I came in. I’m pretty sure watching anime porn on school grounds is frowned upon.”

A laugh spills out of me as he fumbles to pack his things up, tripping in his haste on the way out.

“You wouldn’t care if you didn’t like him,” she continues, as if nothing happened.

My smile slips a little. “Okay, so maybe I like him a little,” I admit. “It’s just a crush. It’s not a big deal.”

“Exactly. So, why not ask him what’s up with the Jekyll and Hyde act?”

“Uh, because then he’ll know how I feel…”

“Pretty sure you showed him exactly how you felt when you threw that little hissy fit last night.”

“Whose side are you on?” I bristle at her words, even though I know she’s right.

“Hey,” she holds up her hands in mock surrender, “I’m not saying I wouldn’t have done the exact same thing and kicked him in the balls to really drive my point home. But don’t write him off without hearing him out. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Well, he’s not exactly beating my door down to explain.”

“You don’t have a door. You’re homeless.”

“You’re an asshole,” I say, but I can’t hide my smile.

“You love me.”

“I do. Anyway, enough about my crap. What’s up with you? Have you been talking to Sullivan?”

She lifts a shoulder. “Here and there.” I try to read her expression to no avail. Seems I’m not the only one keeping secrets. “Are you staying for Spring Break?”

“Yep.” It’s not like I have anywhere else to go. “You?”

“I wish.” She sighs. “My parents are forcing me to go to some bullshit vineyard for the week.”

I scrunch my nose. That sounds like my idea of hell. “At least your parents want you around.” I didn’t mean to say that out loud, and the look on Halston’s face is exactly why. I didn’t mean to make her feel guilty.

“Are we hanging out before you go?” I ask quickly in an effort to get the look of pity out of her eyes.

“What time do you work tomorrow?”

“Evening shift.”

“I’ll pick you up around eleven. We’ll get pedis—my treat—and drink champagne.”

“Yay,” I deadpan, waving an invisible pom-pom.

I manage to make it through my shift at Blackbear unscathed. I didn’t think Jesse would pass up an opportunity to harass me, but he never showed. He’s probably moved on to his next willing victim by now.

“Why are you pouting?” Lo asks. I look up to see her watching me, propping a hand on her hip.

“I’m not pouting.”

“You’re scowling.”

“I’m a scowler,” I say, lifting a shoulder. “I’m not exactly Little Miss Sunshine if you haven’t noticed,” I joke, but her pinched lips and narrowed eyes tell me she’s not buying it.

“Where’d you disappear to last night?”

I straighten, clearing my throat. “Halston called. Boy trouble. I went to stay with her.”
