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I release the curtain like it burned me, jumping out of sight. Probably not the smoothest course of action. I shake my head, internally chastising myself for my spastic behavior. I hate that I turn into such a girl when it comes to him.

I hear his car door slam shut once more, and I’m not at all surprised at the fact that he’s leaving. Again.

Shoving my disappointment deep down into that box I place all unpleasant thoughts, I unbutton my jean shorts, pushing them down my legs, along with my tights. I swap them out for a comfy pair of track shorts that, ironically enough, have never seen a track a day in their life. Plucking my laptop from my bed, I lie on my stomach, pulling up the design I’ve been working on for the show Friday. I fit my headphones over my ears and slide the volume dial all the way up. Maybe if it’s loud enough, it will drown out all thoughts of my dad and Jess.

* * *

IF MY STEERING WHEEL WERE a neck, it would have snapped under the pressure of my clenched hands by now. I can’t bring myself to drive away this time. Every time I think I’ve successfully separated myself from my past, and I feel like I’m moving forward, something happens to pull me right back under. This time, it came in the form of a phone call from the devil herself. It seems the more I pull away, the more she latches on.

Not today, Satan.

Between that and my run-in with Henry earlier, I’m feeling more than a little on edge. I reach under the passenger seat, feeling for the bottle of Jack that I know is there, wanting to feel that familiar burn that’s guaranteed to chase away all the guilt and self-loathing. At least for a few hours. Instead, I find the bundle of Dum-Dums Allie left behind. Still bent over, my eyes shift to her window again, seeking her out, but I don’t see her this time. I throw the suckers onto the seat, then reach back down, feeling around again until my fingers meet cold glass.

The half-empty bottle feels cold and heavy in my hand. I unscrew the cap, then tip it back, letting the liquid burn my throat. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, reveling in the burn. But it’s not enough. I go back for a second swig, hesitating once the bottle is at my lips. Screwing the cap back on, I toss the bottle into the back somewhere, setting my sights on the suckers.

Why the fuck am I out here drinking my problems away, when the perfect distraction is waiting right upstairs? Being with Allie, touching her, hearing the sweet fucking sounds that come from her mouth, is better than any altered state of mind. Even when she’s not letting me touch her, being around her has a way of making everything else blur out of focus. She gives me something to look forward to.

Suckers in hand, I step out of the car and prowl toward the front door and up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I open the bedroom door to find her on her stomach, fingers tapping away on the keyboard of her laptop, oblivious of my arrival thanks to her headphones. Her legs are bent at the knees, her feet crossed at the ankles, bouncing to the beat of the music. She’s wearing these tiny as fuck, dick-me-down shorts that do nothing to hide the swell of her perfect heart-shaped ass.

My cock jumps in my pants as I take in the sight. I’m across the room and straddling the back of her thighs in an instant. Allie jerks in surprise, whipping her headphones off as she tries to rotate her body beneath me.

“Jesus, Jess!” she screams, still squirming to get free. I drop the suckers onto the mattress next to us before bringing my hands to cup her ass cheeks. “I thought you left.”

“Changed my mind. You’re fucking perfect,” I say with a squeeze. Allie rolls her eyes, but when I run my thumb along the seam of her pussy through the light gray shorts, she gives up the charade, sinking into the mattress. Now that she lets me touch her like this, I can’t seem to stop. Her cheek presses against the sheet, her eyes falling shut as I continue to rub her. She arches her ass up, giving me better access, and holy shit, my dick is about to burst through my zipper.

“Hold still,” I tell her, reaching into my pocket to grab my phone.

“What are you doing?” she asks, looking at me over her shoulder.

I snap a picture just before her eyes widen with realization. She reaches back to slap the phone out of my hand, and this time, when she tries to roll over, I let her. I catch both of her wrists in my hands, pinning them to the mattress as I fit my hips between her splayed thighs.

Gray eyes wild and cheeks flushed, she bucks beneath me, but the only thing she accomplishes is rubbing against my dick. I raise an eyebrow, looking down at where we meet.

Allie growls, frustrated, but I know that she’s just as turned on as I am. I bring her wrists together, holding them with one hand so I can use my free hand to shove her laptop up the bed and out of the way before grabbing the suckers.

“You forgot these,” I say before bringing the bundle to my mouth, biting one free. I let the rest fall before tearing the wrapper off with my teeth. Allie’s breathing quickens, her eyes fixed on the hot pink sucker. “Open.”

To my surprise, she does. I dip it into her mouth, and pillowy lips wrap around it, sucking. I groan, pushing my hips into her heat, and her dimples deepen when she realizes what she’s doing to me.

“You think that’s funny?” I ask.

Still smiling, she nods, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she rolls her hips into me.

I pop the sucker into my mouth before shoving up her white work shirt over her tits. Her nipples are hard as fuck through the see-through material of her black bra. Hooking a finger underneath the fabric, I tug it down to reveal her completely. I take the sucker from my mouth, swirling it around her nipple, then give the same treatment to the other side.

Pulling back, I gaze down at her. Her hands still above her head, nipples shining from the sucker. I’d take another picture right now if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t want to do anything to fuck up where this is going. I lean down, swiping my tongue across her sticky, strawberry-flavored nipple. Allie moans, arching into my mouth. Freeing her wrists, I trail my hand down her arm and palm her perfect tit, tasting that one, too. After licking her clean, I move down her body, kissing her stomach along the way before stopping between her trembling thighs.

When I see the wet spot showing through her light gray shorts, I almost lose it. “Fuck, Allison.” She doesn’t know what she does to me, but I’m about to show her. I push her knees apart before tugging her shorts and underwear to the side. “Such a pretty little pussy. Let’s make it even sweeter.”

Allie gasps as I circle her clit with the sucker, and when I drag it lower to dip inside her, she clenches around it. I work it in and out, only giving slow, shallow thrusts.

“Jesse,” she whispers. I lean forward, unable to resist any longer. When my tongue meets her clit, her knees snap shut, trapping my head between her thighs.

“My two favorite flavors,” I mumble into her warm, wet pussy. “Allison and strawberry.”

“That feels so good,” she says, her fingers threading through my hair, pulling me closer.

I push the sucker in deeper until the pink disappears inside her, then I lap at her clit. My tongue and the sucker work in tandem, licking and sucking and fucking until Allie’s panting and squirming with the need to come.
