Page 7 of Yard Sale

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“Seven hours, huh?” she asks, blush creeping up her neck.

“And lucky for you, only about seven more minutes until I can go again.”

“Hmm,” she says thoughtfully, tapping a finger against her chin. “Hooking up with a stranger once is totally acceptable. But twice? I think we at least need to know some basic facts about each other.”

“Is that so?” I ask, raising a brow.

“It’s a rule,” she insists.

“Well, you’ve got seven minutes to get to know me,” I say, lying down next to her with my hands crossed behind my head.

“What do you do?” she asks.

“I snowboard.”

“No, like, for a living,” she clarifies.

“I snowboard. Professionally.”

“Oh,” she says, sounding shocked. She scans my room, as if looking for clues. She won’t find anything but a few of my sponsors’ stickers, unless she opens my closet.

“Why were you upset earlier?” I ask. “Boyfriend issues? Daddy issues?”

Mollie huffs out a humorless laugh. “Sort of. I guess you could say I just got out of a complicated relationship right before I came here.”

“Ah, so I’m the rebound,” I guess. Mollie shrugs and gives me an apologetic smile.


“I hate it when beautiful women use my body to get over their boyfriends. You should be ashamed of yourself,” I say, reaching over to grab her by the waist and pulling her on top of me. My cock nestles between her wet pussy lips, and she slides back and forth on top of me.

“So ashamed,” Mollie says, feigning innocence.

“Is it working?” I ask, flexing my hips upward. “Are you over him yet?”

“Almost,” she breathes, as my hands reach up to palm her perky tits.

“I guess we’ll just have to try again,” I say, and then she angles her hips just right to take me inside her.

“Just one more time.”


“You’re coming. You haven’t missed a Christmas here since we were seven,” Sutton’s voice blares from the speaker of my phone.

“She’s right,” Tucker agrees, tossing random items into the open suitcase on my bed next to me. “River’s Edge at Christmas is your favorite part of the year.”

After I got back from our trip, I finally decided to hear Tucker out. His reasoning didn’t excuse the fact that he wasn’t honest with me. But…it made sense. He said he wanted to be with someone who actually wanted him for once. Of course, I felt bad. But I still don’t think he went about it the right way, even if it did force us to reevaluate.

“I can’t,” I start, and my hand automatically finds my slightly rounded stomach. “He doesn’t know.”

“Well, then merry fucking Christmas to him, because you need to tell him, Mollie.”

I know I do. And I will. I don’t have Cam’s number, but I found his Facebook page. I’ve drafted up the message at least ninety-two times, I just can’t bring myself to hit send. I mean, what do I even say? Hey, remember me? You gave me the best eight hours of my life, then I called an Uber before you woke up and we never spoke again. Oh, by the way, I’m pregnant with your baby. Happy holidays!

“Mollie, it’s December,” Sutton says, stating the obvious.

“I got knocked up, not a lobotomy. I know what month it is.” Both she and Tucker laugh.
