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that cursed voyage, having lost only one of our troupe. Getting mixed up with more murder will send us straight to the grave. No pun intended.”





11 FEBRUARY 1889

Once the maid finished helping me change into my sleeping attire, I lay back on the bed, going over the events of the evening. Mephistopheles’s reaction had been odd, especially for the normally boisterous ringmaster. He’d never seemed to mind causing trouble or involving himself in it before, though maybe his reluctance was simply out of fear. The last investigation nearly ended his carnival for good. I supposed I ought to be happy for him—he’d rebuilt his illusions and was doing quite well. Still, I couldn’t rid myself of unease.

Thomas slipped in like a shadow slinking around corners. I shook my head and turned the small lamp on, watching as he balanced an entire cake with two glasses of milk on one small tray. I moved over, making room on the bed for our midnight treat. He handed me a fork, his smile wide and bright. “I’m not sure how you’re faring, but I’m exhausted.”

“You’re not too tired for cake,” I said. Or for sneaking into my bedchamber.

“I’m never too tired for cake. Especially when it’s chocolate.”

I watched him dig into the fluffy confectionary, his concentration solely on the task of carving it up without a knife. I huffed a laugh and handed him a scalpel from my satchel. “Thank you for tonight, Thomas. I really enjoyed the play.”

He flicked his attention to me, shrugging off the compliment. “Being selfless is terribly taxing. I don’t suggest trying it.”

I took a fork from him and tasted the treat. Chocolate and cherry tonight. I stuck another forkful in, enjoying its richness. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring champagne. Aren’t you always going on about getting drunk and dancing most inappropriately?”

“Why indulge in spirits when there’s nothing more heavenly than chocolate?”

“Mmm.” He did have a point. We sat in companionable silence, each happily finishing off our slices. It was nice, having him here at night, sitting together and doing something as mundane as indulging in a late-night treat. He finished his piece and stared longingly as I savored my last two bites. If the devil thought he was getting any of my cake, he was sadly mistaken. I was most unladylike as I licked my fork clean of icing. His dark gaze was suddenly entranced by the motion and I realized my misstep. My cheeks pinked.

“Why did you really take me to see that show tonight?” I asked, handing him my empty plate. “It wasn’t simply for the Tesla coil, was it?”

“In truth?” Thomas stacked our dishes and set them on my nightstand. “I wanted you to see Mephisto again. Especially after everything that happened with my father and Miss Whitehall. I—” He glanced at his empty ring finger almost ruefully. “I’d heard he was here and didn’t wish to keep it from you.”

I narrowed my eyes. “And?”

“You’re really getting quite good at reading me, Wadsworth. Too good.” He leaned against the wooden headboard, smiling. “He still has feelings for you. That much is plainly obvious. I hoped he might be swayed to at least listen for any news about murders. He’s got eyes and ears all over the lowly parts of the city. If anyone might know anything, much as I loathe to admit it, it’s him.”

“I see. So you decided to use me as bait in your little scheme? Your romantic gestures truly are something to behold, Cresswell. Be careful. You might kill me from swooning so hard.”

His gaze swept from my crossed arms to my turned-down mouth. It didn’t take his skill in deductions to figure out how annoyed I was. He held his hands up. “The main reason was to show you the Tesla coil. I know how much you wished to see Tesla perform it himself. I won’t deny the added bonus of speaking with Mephisto about the case and seeing if he could assist.” Thomas inched closer. “Trust me, I don’t want to be selfless. Not with you. But I’ll always stand aside so you have the space to make your own choices.”

The sincerity in his voice and his expression softened my ire. He had much to learn about partnership and going about things in a more respectable manner, but he loved me enough to try.

“No more schemes unless I’m part of them, agreed?” He nodded. “Do you believe Mephistopheles will really involve himself in this? He didn’t seem likely to, given how quickly he kicked us out once we’d asked.”

Thomas held the covers up, an invitation to my own bed. I stared at the spot, pulse trickling into a flood of emotions. He didn’t move, nor did he pressure me in any way to join him. He kept his focus on me, waiting to see if I decided to snuggle beside him.


“If you want me to leave, I will. No questions or guilt.”

He made to get up, but I placed my hand on his arm, stalling his movement. I bit my lip, glancing around the empty room. I told myself we were mature enough to handle snuggling next to each other, and without further hesitation, I crawled into bed beside him. He carefully tucked us both in, his attention so palpable I swore it undressed me by itself.

This was a dangerous game we were playing. He’d need to be up and in his own room before the maid came in to light the fire. Or before Uncle called on us.

“Didn’t you notice him whistle?” he asked, changing the subject.

I blinked, trying to focus on something more important than my raging heartbeat. Or the curve of Thomas’s treacherous mouth when he noticed my attention on it.
