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There was no honor guard, and the musicians were probably still recovering from the strenuous efforts of their arrival.

“I wish we could convince you to stay another few days,” Imfamnia said. “The moon is so lovely this time of year as the air cools and dries. Sometimes it turns quite blue, and I understand that’s an omen of change for the better. You should remain with us to enjoy it.”

“My lord insists that we return to Dairuss,” Natasatch said.

“Pity,” Imfamnia said, looking at AuRon, who was already extending and relaxing his wings.

“I believe matters on the northeastern frontier of the Empire are in good standing,” NiVom said. He looked exhausted. Was he giving blood to his gargoyles?

“Don’t you mean the Grand Alliance?” AuRon asked.

“I like to call things by their real name,” NiVom said. “Make no mistake, this is a new Dragon Empire. I hope our long years in the Lavadome have toughened us to run it properly.”

AuRon thought his scale looked a little dull. He probably wasn’t eating right, chasing around bats and thrashing his slaves.

“What would you do to improve on the present arrangement?” Natasatch asked.

“Stronger lines of authority with the humans. Those who properly submit to our will do well, others will be destroyed. Your brother thinks that they’ll act in their own interest, and in the interest of the alliance. Rationality and analysis from hominids? Maybe among educated dwarfs, but from these men of Hypatia? Lazy scut. His belief that humans can act rationally where dragons are concerned could prove our doom.”

NiVom paused, as if judging whether his words would bring argument. He sent the thralls away with a slap of his tail against the surface of the courtyard.

One of the workmen far above dropped a hammer in fright at the sound.

“RuGaard chose badly in his selection of allies. Certainly, we should select one nation of hominids and promote their interests, so that in return they’d be hated by the others and be forced to seek the protection of dragons or lose all, but Hypatians! They’re blood has bled out and run cold centuries ago. Dragons need vigorous conquerors at their side, not dissipated philosophers. He should have built around Ghioz.”

“Vigorous conquerors might be more likely to revolt, don’t you think?” Natasatch asked.

“The Alliance seems to be functioning well enough,” AuRon said.

“Must we spoil a delightful visit with politics?” Imfamnia asked. “Our guests don’t need to leave with their ears ringing. This is a farewell and goodwind toast, not an Ankelene conferral.”

NiVom ignored his mate. “To tell you the truth, AuRon, it’s Ghioz that’s mostly holding it up. Hypatia will take many years to rebuild after centuries of neglect. Tyr RuGaard is a little too impressed, I think, with old monuments and columns to achievements far out of living memory. Our Empire should support us, not the reverse.”

“Doesn’t it? Naf feeds us well, even if it’s just mutton.” AuRon said. “Ghioz is famous for its cattle and horses; you should eat more of them. Especially the liver.”

“I wanted to warn you, AuRon, war may be coming with the blighters of Old Uldam. No raid this time, but actual conquest. We may need your assistance.”

“Why will the Alliance do that?”

“I’ve an interest in that city. The sun-shard lived there for many years.”

“Lived?” AuRon asked. “It’s a rock that glows.”

“What do you know about the old statue?”

“It gave off enough light to read by,” AuRon said.

“You never felt any strange effects? Lapses of time, missing gaps where you found you’d done something and forgotten it?”

“No. NooMoahk used to sleep curled around it. He’d become addled, and challenge anyone in the chamber, thinking they were trying to harm him.”

“Or it. Perhaps it was protecting itself.”

“A piece of quartz was trying to preserve itself?”

“It’s no ordinary piece of quartz, or glass. It may be alive, though not as we know it. Many have died to gain or protect it.”

“Again with the sun-shard,” Imfamnia said. “It’s safe in the Lavadome, though I’d rather use it to impress the blighters. What do we care?”
