Page 68 of Seven Scarlet Tales

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‘Nothing’s private when you sleep three in a bed,’ said Rob. ‘Get stuck in.’

Richard’s fingers joined Rob’s, another hand at her breasts. She reached forwards and wrapped Richard’s morning glory in a curling embrace, squeezing and pumping the shaft. In the meantime, Rob’s cock insinuated itself between her bottom cheeks and eased up and down in the crack.

Lucy came first, her tongue tied up by Richard’s, her genitals thoroughly invaded by two sets of fingers, then Richard; then Rob finished himself off inside Lucy’s pussy from behind, while Richard stroked her breasts and sucked her nipples.

‘Happy new world,’ yawned Lucy, and it certainly seemed like it.

Prisoner 39

Mile after mile after mile of green, dotted with white puffs. That would be the sheep.

Emma looked away from the train window, needing to find something less monotonous to fix her attention on. It didn’t matter what, as long as it calmed the nerves raging in her stomach.

She couldn’t concentrate on her book, though, hearing a different voice in her head, locking the poor author out.

It’ll be fine, it’s an experience anyway, even if you don’t enjoy it after all. Allyson will be there. She can read you: she’ll know if things are going too far.

She shut her book, and looked back out at the suffocating green.

Who would the other people be? Both men, she knew that. But would they be men she had played with before, or total strangers?

She rewound the conversation she had had with Allyson, the pair of them sleepy after post-spanking sex, about her fantasy. She could have left it at that – a kinky dream. But she should have known that Allyson was all about fulfilling such dreams, and it was well within her power. She knew everyone, and guarded a slew of secrets of the Rich and Famous. She only had to snap her fingers and whatever she asked was done.

It’s ridiculous to be nervous. You’re an old hand at these kinds of games.

But then, the nervousness was part of the fun.

The train began to slow and Emma thought she might be sick.

She took her overnight bag down from the rack and slipped quietly into the toilet cubicle. When she came out, there was one little addition to her outfit – an ID pass clipped to her coat lapel.

And thus Emma Frayne, resting actor and sometime sex worker, became prisoner thirty nine.

She looked out for Allyson on the platform, but there was no sign of her. She must have sent one of the others. As her fellow passengers slowly filtered through the station exit, she scanned the place for likely characters.

It was him. It had to be the man in the blue serge uniform.

She stood with her back to the wall, trying to be unobtrusive, wondering why he didn’t come over straight away. Perhaps it wasn’t him then, which would be strangely disappointing. He was rather attractive, in a burly, whiskerish kind of way.

The mystery was solved when another man came out of the gents’ toilets and spoke to Blue Serge. This new man was somebody she recognised: she and Allyson had played with him before. Not at the club either; they had gone to his home, which was a prime piece of property porn. He was that banker. Richard, was it?

This was more than satisfactory. She’d fantasised about him more than once since that intense and pleasurable weekend, and had vaguely hoped they might meet again.

With the platform now empty, it was safe for the pair to approach her.

‘Prisoner thirty nine?’ asked Blue Serge, giving her a blatantly lecherous once-over.

‘That’s right,’ she said, trying to sound brave. It was remarkable how quickly she could fall into this meek, craven mindset.

‘You’d better come with us.’

Blue Serge put his hand around her upper arm and led her out behind Richard, who had neither spoken nor looked at her.

Unexpectedly, the car wasn’t in the station car park. Instead they walked on, down a long single-track road that led away from the town to some woodland. It was perfectly dark and deserted and quite silent, except when another train flashed by, all warm light and distant people: people going to safe places; people she should perhaps envy.

Richard stopped abruptly. It took Emma a moment or two to realise that a car was parked under a nearby tree. She didn’t know much about cars but this one looked expensive.

She was still eyeing its silver sheen when Richard turned and began addressing her.
