Page 74 of Seven Scarlet Tales

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Emma knew better than to speak, but she made a tiny strangulated noise in her throat. Wasn’t Lucy Richard’s new girlfriend? Surely she was too inexperienced for a scene like this. And besides, Emma didn’t want the group focus diverted to any other bottom but hers. Part of the attraction of this whole scene had been the undivided attention of three hardcore tops.

Allyson cleared her throat and spoke a bit louder, obviously picking up on Emma’s unease.

‘Young Lucy has been sent here as a warning, a kind of caution. She is to watch what happens to girls who don’t mend their ways before it’s too late. Her guardian and escort, Dr Sherburn, is accompanying her to pick up a few disciplinary tips of his own. I hope prisoner thirty nine’s fate will serve to convince her to improve her behaviour.’

Oh, OK. They aren’t joining in. Just watching.

‘How’s that whole three-way thing going?’ Allyson’s voice was lower now, the question directed at Richard.

‘What, with Lucy and Rob? Well. Very well. Much better than I expected, if I’m honest.’

‘No jealousy or competition?’

‘Nothing l

ike that. Well, perhaps a little. Especially the competition. But it keeps me on my toes, which isn’t all bad.’

‘I couldn’t share a sub,’ said Blake.

‘Well, perhaps you’ll never have to,’ remarked Allyson. ‘But you haven’t found one yet, have you?’

‘Not permanently,’ said Blake, with a trace of a sigh. ‘I’m still looking.’

‘In the meantime,’ said Richard, and glasses clinked again, ‘here’s to play parties.’

‘Abso-bloody-lutely,’ said Blake, and they all laughed.

‘Well, then,’ said Richard, after a pause. ‘I can see a bottom not too far away whose impressive colour is beginning to fade. Better do something about that.’

‘Can’t wait to see what she makes of the cane,’ said Blake with bloodthirsty enthusiasm.

Emma clenched her buttocks, then relaxed them, remembering that clenching was not allowed. But surely prisoner thirty nine would clench as a matter of course?

The gluteal muscles came back into play.

She heard Richard’s footsteps across the wooden floorboards, then the deathly swish of the cane, making her twitch and squeal. But it didn’t land on her. He had done it merely for effect.

‘This is the most feared of our implements, thirty nine,’ said Richard softly.

Emma saw the slender rattan glide in front of her face, then it was held there, vibrating slightly, it seemed. Or perhaps Richard’s hand was shaking.

‘Take a good look,’ he said. ‘Does it look cruel?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘That’s because it is. It will be like nothing you have ever felt before, and its effects will linger. It’s a most effective reminder. How many strokes, Governor?’

Allyson laughed.

‘We usually start with six,’ she said. ‘But I’m going to make it ten for this one. She’s a tough nut to crack.’

‘Ten it is.’

Emma groaned and tried to prepare her body for the coming onslaught.

She knew she could take ten strokes – she’d taken many more in the past – but her role was beginning to invade her headspace, tricking her into thinking she couldn’t possibly cope.

Richard tapped the cane lightly across her bottom then rested it there for a moment, sizing up his stroke.
