Page 113 of Saxonhurst Secrets

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Within seconds he was inside her, right up to the hilt, her legs wrapped around his hips. Her sheath was tight, holding his cock in its close embrace. They fitted so well together. He had known it, all those times in the manor house, and yet he had not allowed himself to accept it. How stupid he had been.

Now he would prove it to her. He showed her his dedication to her happiness with strong, sure thrusts, keeping her pinned to the tree while he seated his cock over and over. She grunted each time he drove forward, her lips fastened to his neck. She trembled all over and he felt the wild fluttering of her heart, felt it join in with his own ragged beat.

He reached down for her clit, rubbing it as he fucked harder and faster. She began to moan and kick her feet behind him.

‘Yes, come,’ he breathed, then he held her fast, crushing her into the bark for as long as it took for his own orgasm to grip and then release him.

They stayed in that position until Adam’s legs could no longer support them, then they slid slowly to the ground, rumpled and sweaty and full of love.

‘I can’t stay here,’ he said, looking up at the moon. ‘You know that, don’t you?’

‘I know. I don’t want to live here any more. I’ve come to hate this place.’

‘Really? I thought you’d never leave. You’re so attached to this house.’

‘It’s a pile of bloody stones. That’s all it is.’

He hugged her tight, smiling into her defiant eyes.

‘And Seb and Kasia are about to put it back on the market too.’

‘Are they?’ She shrugged. ‘Good luck to whoever forks out for it. I’m done with Saxonhurst. I don’t have a single good memory of the place. Well …’ She corrected herself, smiling slyly up at Adam. ‘I do have a few. But if I want more, I need to go with you.’

‘I don’t know where I’m going yet,’ he admitted. ‘I’m still getting used to being alive. And loved. I am loved.’

He shook his head as if this was the greatest mystery ever encountered.

‘Haven’t you ever been loved before?’

‘Not really. No.’ His face crumpled as he realised the truth of this.

‘That’s why you’re so bad at life, darling. You don’t know what love is, so you made up this strange version of it and you clung to this unloving vengeful God of your imagination. I don’t know if there’s a God or not, but if there is, I don’t think He or She is anything like the one you’ve been preaching about.’

‘All my beliefs have collapsed. And I don’t feel bad. I feel good.’

‘You are good. You will be good. We both will.’

‘Is love enough?’

‘It’s more than enough. It’s all we need.’
