Page 89 of Under His Influence

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He ushered Anna over to the screen of his ozone layer replacement machine and explained its functionality, calling up different displays to make it quite clear that Rixxar One would not be able to penetrate the shield until it degraded over the course of years.

“There must be a reversal mode.”

“There isn’t. I didn’t want to reverse it.”

“Then are you saying that you wanted to remain here—forever?”

Anna wrinkled her nose.

“Earth has not struck you with its unique charms then?” asked a drily humorous John.

“It seems a very…noisy place. And primitive.”

“The checking-in hall at Heathrow is probably not its most peaceful aspect. But the people are remarkably sophisticated—more so than at first glance. They have skills we don’t, just as we have skills they can only guess at for now.”

“What skills?”

“Actually, Rixxar One, I’m not sure you’d understand. I’ve been here over a year now, and it’s only just becoming clear to me. Thanks to some excellent guidance.”

“I have so much to look forward to,” Anna sneered.

Liam, still trying earnestly to follow this conversation, was taken aback when Luana seized hold of his arm and stared into his face as if searching for the meaning of life there.

“Your body,” she whispered. “Son!”

John looked over.

“Don’t say anything to him, Mother.”

“Don’t say anything to me? About what?” Liam tried to shake Luana off, but she had a surprisingly strong clawlike grip.

“So, Rixxar,” John resumed, ignoring Liam’s increasingly horrified expression. “Do we have the makings of a deal?”

“A fresh body to occupy? In return for what? What do you offer me if I relinquish my hold on your mate and child?”

John took a deep breath. “I will come back with you, once the ozone layer is rent again. But Mother stays here, as do Anna and the child. I will enter your service. My genius will be at your disposal.”

Luana screeched, “Nooooo!” but Anna grasped John’s wrist, eyes alight with greedy passion.

“You will? This is a wise decision, Valent. Of course, you understand that I will need to keep you close. Much as I admire you, I will never trust you.”

“I understand that. You will live with us here.”

It was at this point that Mimi sneaked through the basement door, keeping to the shadows where she might not be perceived. She found a space between two machines and crouched down, listening to the conversation.

“Then set the procedure in motion, Valent. I require first that you perform the Galactic Promise. Just a formality.”

Mimi watched, brows furrowed, as John and Anna embraced, then did something strange and inhuman with their hands, fusing them together as if the skin melted into one. They spoke some words—at least, Mimi presumed them to be the equivalent of words. To her ears, they sounded like television interference.

Over the top of the ceremony, Luana sobbed noisily while Liam struggled to both calm her down and escape from her clutches.

John stepped back. Mimi caught his sidelong glance at Liam and shivered.

“Mother,” John said, calm. “Let go of our friend. I have need of him. Come down and join us, Liam.”

Mimi held herself back, longing to leap out and ask what the hell was going on, but feeling that this might be an elementary mistake.

“Why?” Liam hesitated.

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