Page 58 of Master of the House

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‘Ooh, is that …?’ She’d seen me. Damn. ‘Hello, our Luce,’ she called out cheerfully. ‘Long time no see. How’s your mom?’

I had no intention of engaging in conversation while I was peeing, so I didn’t reply. Everyone in Willingham was going to know my business now. Marvellous.

Having flushed and washed my hands, I poked my head around the bathroom door.

‘Hullo, Mrs Wragg. Karen’s fine, thanks.’

‘Tell her to pop over for a cuppa. It’s been a while. How are you, love? Thought you were in Russia.’

‘Hungary. No. Back now. Um, if you don’t mind …’ I looked down at my duvet-wrapped body.

‘Of course. Sorry, love. You’ll have better things to do than catch up with me. Well, ta-ra, your lordship.’

‘Goodbye. Thanks for the … the …’

But she had bustled off and left Joss to shut the door and give me an apologetic grimace.

‘Why did you open the door?’ I grouched, flinging the duvet back on the bed and sitting with my arms clasped around my knees. There was a gratifying residual ache on my behind that prevented my being too pissed off with him.

‘I didn’t think you were going to come out,’ he exclaimed, standing in the doorway with his arms folded. ‘Why did you do that?’

‘I was desperate. So would you be if you’d been tied to a bed and teased for an hour.’

His crooked smile gave me a hot flush around my neck and collarbone.

‘I’ll take your word for it,’ he said.

‘Mrs Wragg,’ I moaned.

‘Oh, come on, does it matter?’

He came to sit beside me on the bed, looking as if this question deserved a serious answer.

‘Matter? Joss, she’ll tell everyone. She’s already told everyone you’re staying here, trust me. Now she’ll be telling everyone that you’re staying here with me. I

’d put money on my editor ringing up within the next hour asking me for the exclusive engagement spread.’

Joss laughed.

‘Oh, come on, everyone gossips. I’m sure they’ve said a lot worse about both of us before.’

‘Yes, but now we’ll be linked.’

‘Darling, we’ve been seen at various restaurants and public places around Tylney several times in the last few weeks. If there’s some form of Tylney bush telegraph in operation, I imagine we’re already in it.’

‘What if it gets to the ears of your Mystery Man? What if he knows you’re involved with a journalist? Won’t that blow everything apart?’

‘How would it get to his ears? He doesn’t give a toss what I do. I’m insignificant, a nobody to him.’

‘Can you be sure of that?’

‘He has no input in local life. He knows nobody down here. I swear, it would be well beneath his notice.’

I bit my lip but decided to accept this.

‘Besides,’ he said in a lower tone. ‘What if he does find out?’

‘Joss!’ I could hardly believe he was saying this. ‘We’re supposed to be getting the Hall back for you. That’s the whole point.’
