Page 89 of Master of the House

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‘Well, that was what we agreed,’ he said. ‘We wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with. Let’s negotiate.’

He got off the bed and grabbed something from the dressing table.

‘Bend over,’ he said.


I hadn’t seen what he’d taken, but it didn’t look like a hairbrush or any other kind of spanking implement, so I guessed I was safe in that regard.

‘O didn’t finish your make-up. I’m going to do it.’

‘You can’t put make-up on when I’m bending over,’ I objected, but I had a funny feeling it wasn’t my face he had in mind for adornment.

‘Oh, yes, I can,’ he said, and he parted my skirts behind, patted my inner thighs apart and began smearing something over my pussy lips. ‘The Roissy girls always made sure their nether lips had perfect pink pouts,’ he said. ‘You really should read the book. I’ll lend it to you.’

‘You could have brought it down to the caravan that day,’ I said. ‘Instead of the Lucy poems.’

‘Yes, well, that would have been rather a bold statement of intent and I suspect you would have taken to your heels and not stopped running until you were in the next county.’

‘Yeah, you’re probably right.’ Though I wasn’t 100 per cent sure of that.

‘So, Lucy,’ he said, still working on my unusual maquillage, ‘what’s on the menu for tonight? We’re doing this to give you some experience of public play, so name your game.’

‘You mean, what could I do with people watching? I don’t know where to start. Where do people usually start?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. I suppose you’ve snogged people in pubs and clubs, perhaps some devil has even copped a crafty feel up against a car park wall. I suppose I’d like to take it a step further than that.’

‘It’s a long time since I did anything like that in front of other people.’

In fact, the last time had probably been with Joss. At Willingham Hall, that summer, surrounded by his friends. There had been a great many public displays of affection because, at that age, you can’t help yourself.

‘Well, shall we start with some general spooning? And I can put my hands where nobody can see but everyone can guess. What do you think?’

‘Oh, God.’

I thought it sounded outrageously decadent, embarrassing, shameful and … hot.

‘I’m not going to fuck you in front of anyone because I don’t think you’re ready for that yet, but I want to spank you, maybe tie you up, do terrible things to your poor, helpless, tethered body.’

On each adjective, he gave my clit a little sweep, then hooked two fingers inside me while he played with me more seriously.

‘Oh … you can’t … spank me … in front of all … those people,’ I panted. But the thought was getting me wetter and wetter, his fingers sliding and slipping.

‘Can’t I indeed? I think I can. I might see if anyone wants to join in. Everyone loves to watch a naughty girl’s bottom turning redder and redder until she’s learned her lesson. Everyone wants to play teacher in those circumstances. Trust me.’

‘I couldn’t … oh, God.’

My orgasm must have told him everything he needed to know. There was no way I could stop him spanking me in front of a thousand onlookers. Now, if he didn’t, I’d be disappointed.

‘Dear me,’ he said, tutting and withdrawing his hand. ‘I didn’t give you permission for that, did I?’

‘No, sir.’

‘Just as well. Now I’ve got something to punish you for.’ He straightened up and put my skirts back into place. ‘I’m going to wash my hands and ring our little maid for some room service.’

I moved, ready to stand up, but Joss stopped me with a hand on the small of my back.

‘Go and stand in the corner,’ he said. ‘I want the maid to see you there. Put your hands on your head. It’ll get you eased into things, I think. Help you with your headspace.’
