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There is something he is not telling me. I have a suspicion it’s on purpose, to make me want to know more.

“Triplets and twins,” he declares, watching my face change to one of disbelief. How on earth? I blink and scratch my eyebrow not sure if he is kidding.

He chuckles, delighted. “She had fertility treatments and gave birth to five boys, just few years apart. When Dad suggested trying for a girl, she almost left him. So, my father conceded.”

“Smart man.” I laugh and Logan hums in agreement, but then captures my hand, bringing my wrist to his lips. “Are you part of the triplets or twins?”

“Triplets, and we’re the oldest boys. What about your family? Do you have siblings?” He kisses the sensitive skin and heat travels down my spine as he waits for my response.

“Two sisters. I’m the oldest girl in the family too.” I want to change the conversation away from this sensitive topic. “Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside of work? What are you passionate about, Logan?”

He sips his juice and locks those green eyes on me. In that moment, I’m sure his mind has drifted to thoughts of us naked, lost in passionate fury. I swallow the lump of desire and sip some water, trying to dispel the dryness in my mouth.

“I travel a lot. My passion is to try the native street food from every corner of the world, explore cities, experience the life. Sleep in poor establishments to get to know people. This way, they don’t just see me as a man of power.” He sits back in his chair, his thumb caressing my side, almost subconsciously, and settles his penetrating gaze full of lust on my lips. I don’t dare to breathe; the spell he woven around me feels too strong to break.

“Do you like traveling, Ms. Knight?” he teasingly asks. “Exploring and getting to know people?”

“I do…but not to the extent you do.” I clear my throat, grabbing menu to fan my heated face. “So, you just leave your wallet at home and pretend to be an ordinary person on holidays?” This man speaks with such enthusiasm about his ventures that his mischievous eyes sparkle and a hint of playfulness begins to show.

His lips stretch in a broad smile with those sexy dimples. I find myself wanting to talk to him, divulge some of my secrets. It gets to be too much, though.

Such intensity makes me squirm in my seat, anxious he might discover a crack and slip through it. I really don’t like attention bestowed on me, even if it does come from the most handsome man ever. I don’t want him to see through my exterior. In my soul resides my painful past and I’m not ready to share it. I might never be. It must stay locked away.

“Have you ever been married?”

My gaze snaps to his as Logan hits the bullseye, treading dangerously close to territory I’m not willing to enter right now. I bite my lip, feeling the sharp sting of pain, and straighten in my seat before answering.

“Yes.” I pause to collect myself, pushing food around my plate. “Two years ago, we got divorced.” I clutch the fork in my hand as if it will anchor me in my chair.

“I’m sorry, it must not have been easy for you,” he says, holding my now cold hands in his. Soft, empathetic eyes prompt me to continue.

I shrug indifferently and smile to avoid further elaboration. “We grew apart and no longer loved the people we had become. It made sense to let go and move on with our lives,” I explain with as little emotion as I can muster.

As if sensing I’m not willing to share more, he lets go of the string he tried to pull. The waitress brings us some dessert and coffee, breaking the tense silence.

“Have you ever been married?” I reverse the uncomfortable conversation, realizing I have no freaking idea if he’s in a serious relationship.

“No, I’ve never found anyone special I wanted to spend the rest of my life with,” he states, looking at me with a cautious expression.

“You will,” I tell him, convinced.

I believe, without a doubt, that this man will find his significant other. May you never know the agony of losing a person you love. His intense green eyes try to decipher the meaning behind my words, but then Logan smiles, showing off dimples and straight white teeth, and my heart skips a beat.

I clear my throat. Jesus Almighty, put it away! I might just have a heart attack, or he’s going to cause an accident.

As I gaze at his features, my heart begins to pound, and it’s suddenly hard to swallow. “Maybe. What about you, Ms. Knight? Do you think I am great husband material?”

I barely can remember my name as desire overwhelms me to kiss away that arrogant smirk off his face. I change the direction of this conversation before I lose control.

“Do you want to go look around the city? I’ve never been here before.” His gaze stays locked on my face, as he absently raises his hand to graze my parted lips.

Keenly, I wait for his mouth to press against mine, and

Logan doesn’t disappoint. A slow passionate kiss leaves me lightheaded, breathless, and wanting more. The appealing personality is invigorating, uplifting my beaten down spirit. I bask in his radiance, afraid when he leaves, the cold will encase my soul and phantom claws will drag me into darkness.

We talk for hours, and it’s filled with laughter, washing away the gloom. We end up exploring the scenic William Brown Street and come across Walker Art Gallery.

Logan appears to be less and less the arrogant, dominant CEO I met yesterday. No hard lines mar his handsome features. The stubble makes him look fierce and wild, but more like an ordinary man. Mr. Cade behaves courteously today.
