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“As you see, numbers are not in your favor. You’re outnumbered and outplayed,” I tell him with fake bravado. “Want me to unleash my sisters on your ass? Because Arianna needs some practice with assholes, so you could be used for educational purposes.”

“Can I interrupt the foreplay? I don’t want to stay for the striptease. I just want to see my ‘hammer using fury’ in action, and afterward, I take both of them out.” Rider’s pointing at Arianna and Raine, who has a naughty expression on her face as she sizes up her prey.

“Do you still want to stay?” I ask him coyly, fluttering my eyelashes.

Logan stands there, entertained, his green eyes locked on me, looking thoughtful. He comes closer, kissing my temple before he heads for the door, shaking hands with Rider on the way.

The female soldiers blow kisses, pouting. “Ahhhh, we haven’t got a chance to practice using our weapons.”

Chuckling, he turns to reassure me. “I’m not going anywhere, Angel. Get used to me. I will come back tomorrow to talk.”

He walks through the door while my knights in shiny tools follow him to the door and cutely wave goodbye. With tears running down my cheeks, I start to laugh until I feel cramps in my belly.

This time around, the ocean wave pulls me rapidly under the water before I know what is happening. The spots appear in my vision, dragging me into the darkness.


I wake up to early morning sun rays caressing my face. My attention is captured by two small birds playing outside the window. The old oak tree sways hypnotically in tune with the gentle wind, scaring the two little friends and making them tweet angrily.

Frantically, they beat their wings, flying around to find a calm spot to perch again. The golden morning sun rays find freedom in the clear skies, caressing the earth with warm hands, waking all the nature for the day ahead.

As I try to get my bearings, I notice that Aisha is sound asleep next to me. I get up to start the day with my usual morning ritual, rousing Aisha. Her sleep-deprived face is pure torture to look at.

“You ok? Yesterday was terrifying one.”

“Yes, I am calm now. Maybe next time, I’ll have more warning? Don’t worry, this time, I was tired of puking. I wasn’t prepared for him to show up. I was very emotional and sensitive,” I assure her.

“Is he the father?” Aisha probes me.

“Yes,” I confirm, and tears lodge in my throat. “He told me that he doesn’t care to be the father of my imaginary baby, and accused me of trying to manipulate him. Afterward, he demanded me not to bother him ever again.”

“Does he know that he will be the father of two?”

“Probably,” I say, thinking of the email I left him.

“What do you mean by that?” She gives me curious look.

“I suppose he read my email, the one with ultrasound pictures.”

“He wasn’t happy?”

“He was a dick to me, and lost his shit in the office.” I can still hear the sound of something breaking, followed by the swearing and his sick accusations.

“Oh fuck, I want to use that hammer on him now. Like, really bad,” she tells me with a furious expression. I can see her fantasizing about the pain she will inflict on him next time.

I snicker at her protectiveness, making her lose her murderous focus and laugh along with me. After we calm down, she asks something that has been bothering me as well. “Why is Logan here if he doesn’t want to be part of it?”

“I don’t know,” I confess, dreading that he might see me as too dangerous or unstable to be their mother and take them away.

Fear settles over my skin like a cloak, weighing me down with the possibility of losing my kids again. My eyes swim with tears as I make a sound in the back of my throat. Aisha jumps to her feet, wrapping her arms around me.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying, sister?” She starts to panic at my sudden emotional response.

But I’m too choked up, my fear resonating with the woman from the past trying to take hold of me. The aversion to becoming an empty human being again makes me feel desolate. I hate Sandra, and I pity her at the same time. I am not capable escaping her pain, fear, or rage.

The doorbell distracts us both from the drama. While I slip into the bathroom to sort myself out, my sister opens the door to deal with whoever is on the other side. When I come back to the kitchen-slash-living room, I’m surprised to find it empty.

My cell phone rings. “Hello?”
