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Seductively, her eyes lower to his lips, making him moan in anticipation. You know, you should never see your sisters or brothers making out. It’s just wrong. Even if he isn’t the one initiating this behavior, I still want to hurt Leif.

Rider starts to laugh, holding his stomach and shaking his head in disbelief. What’s wrong with this man, can’t he step in or something?

“Oh man, you’re going to walk funny by the time they’re done with you.”

“Hey, how about let’s stop the crazy.” I am trying my best, but no one is helping me.

“I think I enjoy this flavor of crazy.” Leif is not helping with his comments. “How about you, my brother, are you enjoying the view? Come and help me deal with the drill sergeants here, will you?” I wait, my breath locked in my chest, watching the fight about to commence.

“How about you deal with the shitstorm you created on your own? You didn’t care about consequences before, did you?” Logan spits out angrily.

Two brothers lock their gazes and the tension grows. “It isn’t his fault. I’m to be blamed for the destruction I have caused.” I try to redirect their fight.

“I was looking out for you, my brother,” Leif said, ignoring me. “You forgot that your past choices with women landed you in all sort of situations we’ve had to get you out of.”

“Really, this is your excuse to mingle in my private life?” I feel like my legs are about to give out as I start to move towards them. They’re so close to each other, I fear they might come to blows. Before I can reach them, Rider grabs me from behind and removes me from them.

I’m about to give him my piece of mind, but stop in my tracks when I hear him say, “You need to let them get it out. Don’t interfere with this, it was a long time coming.”

I look back at them, and I see their eyes filled with hurt. They’re not used to this distance. They probably like my twins, being in each other’s lives, sharing their quests. I came in and tore them apart, and now Leif doesn’t know how to get his brother back. He is unsure where his place is in Logan’s life.

My eyes fill with tears and my heart twinges with a helpless desire to make it better. “I just need to fix it.”

“You can’t. They need to figure this one out,” Raine tells me as we all stand there, listening to their argument.

“Let me get this straight. You found a new family to replace us. Is it why you don’t talk to us anymore?” Leif taunts his brother, hurt written all over him.

“Leif, I’ve explained the situation to you. Why are we having this argument again?”

“Explain it to me again, why can’t we come to visit? Is she worth this divide, brother?” Leif challenges. Logan gets agitated, balling his hands into fists.

“When you find someone like her? Yes,” he tells him. Leif exhales a shaky breath as he tries to contain his own emotions.

“Are we not welcome in your life anymore? I never agreed to this.” Annoyed, his brother shakes his head in disbelief, when his gaze finds me.

“Are you choosing her over us? Tell me, so I’ll know.”

Instead of answering, Logan draws his brother in a bear hug and whispers something in his ear. My eyes water as guilt seizes my chest.

Leif’s head rises from brother's shoulder and finds me staring. There is so much angst in them, I’m drawn to it, but I’m grabbed from behind and pulled away. My sisters, like guards, block me from interfering and we all end up in the twins’ bedroom. Arianna plays with the little ones while I get a chance to reflect on the drama occurring downstairs.

“Leave them to figure it out. In the end, Leif isn’t mad at you, but with Logan,” Raine assures me.

“Don’t you see? All this heartache is my fault.”

Raine explains, “He desperately trying to fit into his life. His brother replaced him with our family and he’s hurt. I bet it’s not easy to find your brother across the ocean, making a life without him.” My sister's pain echoes through me.

“I just wonder if all his family feels the same. What if, by staying here, he’s sacrificing his relationship with them? I don’t want that for him.”

“Sometimes you’ve got to wait it out until it gets better.” Aisha’s advice makes me wonder if that’s from her own experience.

“Like you waiting for me?” I hold my breath.

“You shut us out, and we no longer had a way in.” Raine’s tears run down her cheeks, and it makes me pull my younger sibling into my arms.

“I’m sorry for how I made you feel. I lost trust in you.” Tears hang on my eyelashes, threatening to fall down my cheeks.

“We know,” Aisha adds, as Raine shakes in my arms. Our youngest sister joins us in an embrace.
