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An involuntarily shiver runs down my spine, and my insides heat, making my skin blush at his bold perusal. I don’t like it. Not in the slightest. It makes me burn with anger towards him, that he’s making me feel so uncomfortable. This man makes no move to rectify the awkward situation; instead, he enjoys my discomfort.

Bastard! I take a desperately needed breath as the anger burns bright. Somehow, I gather the courage to push past this reaction and take a step towards him.

But Joshua comes to the rescue. “Hello, Mr. Cade. I just thought I would introduce my amazing assistant to you. This is Cassandra Knight, she works at the London branch with me…”

Instead of communicating with Joshua, his gaze doesn’t leave mine. Chills break out all over my body and my heart races helplessly. I tune out the surroundings just to regain some semblance of control and reassess my bearings.

He clenches his strong jaw, clearly unhappy I’m ignoring him. His handsome features look more angular this way and I like the idea of making him frustrated. Wavy sleek raven-black hair, styled much like David Beckham’s, looks stunning on him in contrast with his medium light chocolate tan complexion. Then my eyes trail to his sensual lips, luring my heartbeat into a frenzy. But he is too arrogant for my liking; too much power and confidence clinging to him like a separate entity.

Affected by his presence, I haven’t even noticed when Joshua has been dismissed. Dammit. I should retreat with my wits intact before he unbalances my peace. But before I can escape, he extends his hand towards me.

What does he want? Oh, right, the folder. As I’m about to give it to him, it slips through my fingers, scattering all the content on the floor around his feet. Surprised and humiliated, I quickly stoop to pick it up.

Sturdy thick thighs lightly brush my side as he bends down to help. I am about to apologize, but something in his expression stops me cold. An arrogant smile on his face ignites my blood, causing it to boil in anger. He is playing with me. A glint of lust in his eyes makes them look alive with promises of passion. He leans closer and breathes me in, and I freeze, not expecting this. My pulse ricochets as his warm breath tickles my exposed skin and his musky cologne assaults my nose with its seductive hint.

Lightheaded by his nearness, I feel the heat radiating off him, invading my pores, immersing me under his influence. He reminds me of the lion that just locked eyes on his next meal. I narrow my eyes at him, craning my neck so I can observe his inconspicuous actions. I am ready to give him a piece of my mind—I am not a person to cower beneath another person’s stare or bend to their will.

I lick my dry lips and try to regain equilibrium by using every trick in my book, but come up short. I want to kick him for invading my space and threatening my fragile balance.

Damn him. Anger seems to work with the spell he’s cast over me. I raise my eyes to him again, showing a little bit of fire and defiance in them. I rise to my full height, extending the folder to him and dismissing his antics.

“Please, Mr. Cade, take your seat so we can start the meeting.” I don’t move away because he still hasn’t stood nor has he taken the folder. His bullying technique will not work with me. I have little care for egotistical, superior big-heads.

When he stands, he does it deliberately to draw my attention to him. His shirt stretches against his muscular frame as he rises, and his strong jaw relaxes. He smirks at me as he takes the paperwork, his fingers brushing against my skin.

He whispers, so quiet I can hardly hear him, “I didn’t know that we employ such mousy things that jump every time someone breathes their way.”

I bring down the shields down so hard before he can get a rise out of me. Dismissing him entirely, I walk to the screen and deliberately keep my face blank, trying to keep my agitated lungs from escaping through my throat in search of air. It’s time to get this show on the road. I decide to forget those words and shove them into the dark corner of my mind to deal with later. Prick!

“Gentlemen, please open your package material. I will be getting you through the numbers today.” I smile as their eyes lock on me, the only woman in the room, and my spine straightens. I have already done my homework, composing myself and mentally preparing for this. The rest is very well-practiced act.

Once I begin to speak, there is no fidgeting and nervous squirming. The charming exterior is a steel door hiding the truth lurking in the dark corners of my psyche. All the gates into my dark past are closed tight. No echoes can be heard. But dark memories are never far. If I allow them in, they will shatter my façade, take away my control, and shove me to my knees.

“If you open to page sixteen, you will see…”

Everything is running according to plan, but I am interrupted by Mr. Cade’s relentless questions. Why me? This man needs to learn respect.

Politely, I try to deflect from answering them, when he says rudely, “I do not like that this presentation is being made by an unprepared and unqualified assistant, who cannot answer any follow-up questions or have comprehensive discussions.”

Really? I take a breath as irritation filters through me. He seems although relishing in my discomfort and flustered expression.

“Sir, I only ask you to let me finish this presentation, so I could provide you the answers you seek. Meanwhile, you are welcome to write them down for later,” I explain to him calmly, while my insides burn with the need to lash out. I get red-faced and frustrated by the lack of patience and understanding.

The tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I don’t believe Mr. Cade is denied often. I quickly become heated at his deliberate tactic to diminish my confidence, which abolishes all humiliation and embarrassment. I quickly compose myself and give him polite sugary smile that screams, “Fuck you.”

“Please, sir, let me finish this presentation, and at the end, I will let you quiz me. I’m sure that it might be a most interesting thing to happen to the whole board on a Friday evening. We could even get scoreboard for you to deliberate whether I’m fit for this task or not.”

The room breaks out in chuckles and some of them, who are not so intimidated by the ever so important CEO, promise to join me. He stays silent until I finish. Whew!

Afterward, I attach two plain sheets to the board next to the screen

and write our names at the top of each one. The room becomes deathly quiet, waiting for the quarrel. Then the CEO relaxes in the seat, anticipating my next move.

“Do you have any further questions, Mr. Cade?” I ask him, feeling rebellious and needing to wipe that amused smirk of his face.

“What should be our decisions about investment, market expansion, and other business opportunities?” he asks, not backing down from a fight.

“Mr. Cade, do you think that I’m a joke?” I arch my brow, mocking his question. I probably should stop there because I might get fired if I push too far.
