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Oh, no you don’t!

But before I can make my move, he flips me over, trapping my body beneath him. He captures my hands above my head, playfully smirking. Logan’s scent invades my senses, heat permeating my skin.

“Let’s see if I can make this mouse squeak.”

I lift my hips, brushing his crotch. Bring it on!

He shakes his head in disbelief and leans in. “Have you ever been tied up to a bed, Angel?” Not waiting for my answer, he uses his t-shirt to tie my hands above my head, twisting the material until it’s tight around my wrists.

“You need to shed more clothing if you’re planning to use that.” I point at his manhood, smirking. There is no way for him to secure my hands to the bed frame, and I might have a chance to escape his hold. I guess he comes to the same conclusion because he smirks at me. Oops!


He tugs my hands until my body stretches out long, for his exploring gaze. Once he has me in place, he begins to caress my skin with calculating precision.

“What shall I do with you first?” He is reckoning the plan of action. Helpless, I fight the delicious sparks exploding on every part of my skin. “Want to play?” he asks, trying not to scare me away with the intensity he needs me.

I am overcome with the desire to touch him, reconnecting in a tender embrace until we are both lightheaded with passion. He bows his head, resting it on my shoulder, and as he gives me featherlight caresses, he gently releases my wrists and kisses them softly. I lift up onto my elbows, and look at him. My hands travel his naked chest as my lips map his defined ridges.

“Undress, now.”

The command makes him even more primed. I know that, at some point, he won’t allow me a choice. He slips from the bed to shed his clothes, tracking my every move. A moment later, he stands stark naked, proud and hard.

“Have you been working out? You look ripped.” I lick my lips. Every muscle is a pure art of work as the delectable V points straight to his thick and ready cock hanging between his masculine legs.

“I’m glad that I please you. Let me remind you that I’m not the only one with perfected curves.” His scorching gaze caresses my body, igniting my desire.

“Come here, Logan, let me touch you.” He sits next to me on the bed, as if he’s not sure what I’m asking of him.

“I really don’t want to ruin this. Tell me what you want.” I raise a vulnerable gaze as my insecurities torment me.

He brushes the scar the scalpel left after my C-section. On the other side, I have a different scar, the one I received after the death of my boys as I wandered on the bridge.

“Today, I was reminded of the day I received this scar. I met the old woman who patched me up and took me home after. Since then, the memory is looking for the way in.” I look away as I try to explain to him that, underneath my skin, there are so many things I’m still dealing with.

His green eyes watch me as I try to explain to him the probability of me never completely healing from the PTSD. Eventually, he picks me up and gently places me on my back. My dark-haired man leans down and kisses both scars, making me gasp at the feel of his mouth on my sensitive skin.

“Do you want to try to remember while I am here? You’re safe with me, you know that, right?”

“I thought we were here for something else?” I tease him, as he slips his hand into my hair, cupping my cheek and pulling me in for a taste.

“Grant me one secret from your past, Night, as you once promised.”

I close my eyes as apprehension floods me. I still hate myself for being a coward. To make me feel more comfortable, Logan envelops us in a soft blanket as I settle into his strong embrace. Placing my head on his chest, I listen to his heartbeat.

“It’s ok, you can let go,” his deep voice whispers, close to my ear, which makes me want to nestle into him like a cat.

Eventually, my surroundings dissolve and fade away, as my closed eyes drag me down into the abyss. The memories begin to spin like a cyclone, and I try to reach for one that was evading me all this time. Whirlwind emotions brush against me, eliciting shivers. Depressing presence touches my heart and strokes my body with invisible hands.

The day comes, with high-quality colors and sounds.

The jovial chirpy laughs and giggles in the park are like music to my heart. The amused grins on their faces are genuine signs of happiness that promised us the world would be our oyster. That day flew past me in horrifying images of their end.

I walked away. The soft ground underneath my boots as I walked towards the trees, as if they could quiet my agitated, restless soul trapped in the frozen body.

There is no one around, just a tree I’ve bumped into. I’m somewhat shocked by its appearance in my way. Waiting for my head to stop spinning and the sharp pain in my womb to pass, my hands touch the old wrinkled bark. The wind softly ruffles leaves in a soothing rhythm, making me want to close my eyes.

On the ground, the fallen crispy leaves crumple as I move. So, I lay my exhausted body on the ground between protruding roots from the ground. I fall asleep, Ethan nestled with me. Until Nate wakes me up later and takes him away from me…
