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“I’m not your son, Darren. I’m a man with my own empire to rule. She came to work here, and she will remain as long as she wishes to do so.” My steely tone invites no arguments.

Pregnant silence greets me on the other end, and then he cracks a warning.

“She’s in more danger this way, Mark. If you care for her well-being, kick her out and send her home. This job’s painting a huge target on her back.”

“Cassandra had a target on her back since she took your family’s name. I have little to do with it. You and I know the truth, why you’re so opposed to her being close to me.”

“Whatever you think you feel for her isn’t real. Just let her be and use your second chance wisely.” He disconnects the call before I can retort.

Well, this went as well as expected. It isn't Darren I’m cautious off, but Lucas and Leif. Logan’s triplets. They both became very close to their brother's widow and stayed to help her after he died. These two will be hell to deal with, but there’s nowhere for me to retreat. I made my decision, and to be honest, I don’t know if it’ll save me or destroy me in the end.

After the call from Darren, I stay to work a little bit over the office hours.

“You still here?” Rob barges into my office, bringing the fresh scent of his cologne.

“Going somewhere?” I ask, ignoring his question. He probably has some hot date set for tonight.

“Want to come with me?” he asks, hopeful, but I shake my head, loosening my tie and discarding my jacket on the back of the chair. My mind spins with the things I need to get done.

“You’re probably the only one in this world who has an affair with his work.”

“Yeah, somebody has to.”

“Hey, this

place is my home too.”

I chuckle because he comes to sleep here almost every other night.

“Night, Mark.”

Old habits die hard, I guess. We both lived on the streets, and it left an impact on us. Rob sleeps here because this livelihood is his security blanket as is mine. Without it, we’d end up eating food from the dumpsters. That’s why we’re very protective of this place. It’s a compulsion we both can’t shake off even now.

After a few hours, I’m ready to leave Fading Ink, but I decide to check on the production first. Just to make sure the team managed to produce mockups as I requested. I grab my things and descend to the fourth floor.

After inspecting all the materials, I leave notes on the desk for Peter’s assistant, knowing she’s the one who keeps him on track. Before I go, I log onto the computer with my own access to send an email to my secretary about the things I require to be ready by the time I’ll come to work.

When the elevator opens, I don’t expect to find Cassandra standing there with a raincoat and handbag in her hands, gaping at me.

“Mark? I didn’t know you’re still here.”

The surprise is written all over her delicate features as she locks her pale gaze with mine. Walking into the elevator, I turn around to press the button to the foyer.

“Working late?” I twist my neck to watch her chew her lip nervously.

“I wanted to finish a few things for the release tomorrow.”

I’m about to ask if she needs a lift home after working this late, when the elevator shudders, creaking like a dying monster, and then it starts to free fall.

On pure instinct, I grasp her, seizing her small form into my protective embrace. Her terrified shrieks echo in the space. We halt as the brakes activate, stopping our short descent, shrouding us into darkness for a moment. An emergency, blue LED light illuminates the small area almost in an instant.

My gaze snaps to her filled with dread. “We’re safe. This elevator system has safety features to deal with such straining scenarios. It has been tested before.” I try to reassure her as she clutches onto my shirt, pressing her delicious curves against me even closer.

Her perfume and shampoo scent drift to my nostrils and my cock stirs, responding to her proximity.

“Cassandra, did you hear me?” I stroke her face, enjoying the feel of her in my arms.

Her short gasps make me believe she’s close to having a panic attack, so I don’t let go of her or stop talking in a calming tone. I don’t want her PTSD to be triggered by her distress. I know a few things about it since I’m dealing with it myself.
