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“So happy to hear from you, miss. No, Liane and Leon are actually at your sister’s right now. I’m packing a few things to take over to their house.”

After I finish speaking with my au pair, I go to get ready, pushing down my anxiety, since neither Leif nor Aisha answered their phones. Pampered with scented oils and full body massage, I get dressed in a bright pink dress with hand-stitched embroidery weaved in a beautiful pattern. Applying my makeup, my nerves rise like a storm, swirling inside of me.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I see a woman who just had a taste of freedom, emerging from her shell. Discovering her worth and her strengths. I even breathe easier. I can’t surrender this slither of joy I found working at Fading Ink. But Helen and Darren are going to try to choke life aspirations out of me. They’re already showing their hand to me with General Abbas’ help.


I jump, startled.

“Mr. Lawson’s waiting.”

I nod, casting one last look at myself. I follow her out of the bedroom.

Once the door opens, my breath hitches in my chest, taken by the abundance of textures, colors, and lighting. The atmosphere in the room is set to entice and forget about the outside world. And yet, I wonder why Abbas is doing this. He declared his alliance to the Cades. That would make sense why he’s protecting us. But Abbas is also hiding something crucial to solve this puzzle. Perhaps he’s trying to keep us from causing trouble. Still, his motives are sketchy.

My thoughts scatter when I see Mark standing by the glass door with his hands in his pockets, looking at a beautiful park. He resembles the prince from the fairy tales I read as a kid. The curtains dance to the blowing breeze as he turns around. Our eyes meet, and I get pulled into his stratosphere.

“Good evening,” I mumble.

Mark’s sharp jaw, graced with neat scruff, tightens. His eyes blaze with male appreciation when he drags his gaze down my body.

“Evening.” His greeting rattles deep inside his throat, and the heat pulls deep in my belly.

My pulse throbs, reacting to his undeniable appeal, but I force my legs to move. My dress whips around my legs like butterfly wings as I walk to meet him.

“You look stunning.”

My cheeks flame as he watches me with the intensity of a hunter. And it makes me confused about why he’s so forward since he made it clear where the boundaries are.

“Thank you.” I look around. “The General isn’t joining us?”

“He thought we needed a little time alone to unwind before tomorrow.” He speaks carefully as if not to disrupt the air lit up with a hundred candles. I nod as he pours us some wine in the golden goblets.

“Has he agreed to help us?”

“Yes, he’s very curious, though.”


“How this works out at the end.”

I sip wine, mulling over why Abbas is getting involved at all. His connection with my in-laws also bothers me.

“Did you figure out who’s sabotaging your deliveries?”

Mark shakes his head. Aware of the fact we can’t speak openly, I let it go.

“Everything’s ready for the launch.” I drag my gaze away from him to look around, afraid to get lost in his compelling gaze. “I also contacted Robert. He knows about our situation and helped me to arrange everything with your new partners. I thought to make sure they know what’s going on.”

“Smart.” He seems uninterested in talking about work and his intensity’s shredding my sanity. Why’s he looking at me like this?

“Robert arranged the jet to be ready for us straight after the ball. He said he needs us back.” I’m babbling, afraid if I stop, I’ll nosedive into this energy, wrapping seductively around me.

“That’s probably for the best.”

I feel dizzy. My body thrums with undeniable chemistry triggered between us.

“The lawyers will be contacting Edar Moudi about the contract annulment after the event.”
