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“Why would you ask that?” Not that our kiss lacked heat, nope, but still I have a feeling my particular brother-in-law fed them some line about it.

“Uncle Leif said that kissing is for making babies,” Liane states, proud of her knowledge.

“We found them naked and kissing in the kitchen once,” Leon adds and Liane giggles in her palm.


“I think I can hear Maya awake. Bye,” Aisha chirps and disappears.

Oh, we’re going to talk, sister. Their butts shouldn’t be naked in my house.

“You know, babies aren’t made by kissing alone. It’s something two people in love share when they’re old enough.”

“But uncle Leif is old.” My mouth shuts with an audible click at Leon’s unexpected statement. “And he was naked!”

“Someone stole their clothes. Aunty was crying, and Uncle Leif kissed her to make it better.”

My cheeks burn, as I imagine what my children witnessed. Those two need a good whacking and I need to clean the countertops and change sheets in every room.

“Aisha was upset. She made a lot of . . . noise.”

Mark chokes on a laugh but covers it with his fist.


“Do you want to make a baby too? You don’t love us anymore?” Liane’s chin is quivering and her eyes are getting red as she waits for me to explain what’s happening.

How the hell did this conversation become a rabbit hole so fast?

“Hey, I’ll love you forever and ever.” I embrace them both, kissing their heads, warm from the sunlight. “Until the earth stops spinning.”

“I love you too, Mommy.” Leon hugs me, and Liane curls in my lap, not planning to leave me.

My gaze drifts to Mark, who has this look of admiration on his face. But also something else—a deep longing for a family and love, I realize.

“Excuse me, but Mr. Cade’s requesting everyone to gather in the living room,” my au pair announces.

I jump to my feet, leaving my kids to play with the dog outside. I tug Mark after me, not comfortable to face my family alone.

The hair on my arms rises in strange awareness as I watch Darren gobble a glass of whiskey and then rake his perfectly styled hair with his fingers.

“Gather up, kids, we must talk.”

I take the seat on the sofa, and Lucas and Mark flank me from both sides. Aisha and Leif join us too, including the few security guys stationed at the corners.

Since my sister is avoiding my gaze like the plague, I catch Leif’s. He raises a bold eyebrow at me when our gazes lock. He pulls his phone out and after few seconds mine buzzes with an incoming message from him. I open it.

Leif: I watched you bound and naked getting it. My eyes still burn, so forgive me for not taking your look of disapproval seriously.

All right, so we’re going there. I type the message before he derails me again with his antics.

Me: Let’s talk about my kids watching live porn in my kitchen, buddy. My kids shouldn’t have seen you naked. That’s just wrong, Leif. Have you ever heard about sex behind closed doors?

Leif: Have you? Vanilla isn’t your flavor either doll.

Leif: I didn’t want to see you getting it either. But we don’t get what we want. It was ages ago. Your kids were sleeping. We were

cooking cute little Maya in your kitchen. It worked. You should be happy for us.
