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“Sometimes it might, if we get too busy. I expect you to get involved and help her. But mostly you’ll work with our marketing strategies and research. You’ll act as a liaison between departments. It’s a great spot to be in, Cassandra. You’ll learn quite a lot here,” I assure her as she scans the folder.

Her cheeks start to glow. Hearing her name roll off my tongue makes my blood heat up and my cock harden. I wonder how her skin would look ignited from the pain and pleasure combined, or how my name would sound on her lips as I pleasure her. Unable to take this growing fascination with her anymore, I rise from the chair and stride to the door to put more space between us. This obsession with her might turn into a dangerous game, and we both aren’t ready for the consequences that might follow.

“I have to make a few calls, but later I’ll have to visit other departments downstairs. Would you like me to show you around?” Unable to help myself, I offer, watching her mouth slightly part as she looks at me a little bit unsure.

“Let me know when you’re ready.”

I nod and shut the door behind me.

Dammit, perhaps Rob was right. This was a terrible idea. But she’s here now, and I want to know her better. She’s more fascinating than I thought she’d be. The way she moves, as if she’s calculating her every step. Or the way she speaks, as if she’s weighing every word. It makes my blood burn with intense desire to strip her professional façade and find out why she’s the way she is. If I hadn't delved into her past, I would have believed in the label media stamped all over her. But Cassandra was this way even before she became Mrs. Cade. This is just a disguise, and I need to understand why she still needs it.


Something about Mark makes it hard to even breathe around him or keep my armor intact. As if he can see straight through the layers of makeup and my defenses. And I hate being exposed or the center of attention. Especially when my private life is everyone’s to pick on.

Since I became Mrs. Cade, my polished appearance became a necessary measure to control the public narrative. I would gladly live a simple life that doesn’t require this much composure or self-awareness. But I made my bed, and I have to sleep in it. If I wanted a less complicated life, I should have never married Logan Cade in the first place.

But I did.

Our marriage vows aren’t the only thing keeping me in this public circus. But also immense guilt, duty, and gratitude. Except, this excuse is no longer strong enough to keep me playing the part. Heartache turned Logan’s parents and me into rivals, poisoning everything that was once beautiful. It’s time to move on and let go.

When Mark leaves, I exhale a relieved breath and start sorting through the little manual he prepared for me. I swear, this man can melt a woman’s clothes off her body with that smoldering gaze of his. But I can’t be, and won’t be, one of them.

The network phone rings. “Cassandra at your service,” I answer jokingly.

“Are you settling in well?” Robert’s warm voice filters through the speakers as I log onto my email. I can hear him yawning.

“Yes, the office is perfect, thank you. And I saw your request for research. I’m going to start working on it.”

“Great, just wanted to tell you that coffee and bagels sound awesome right now.”

“Why do you sound so tired, Mr. Greer?” I walk to the printer to make sure it’s connected to start printing a few schedules for this week and organizing my workspace. When opening the list of projects the marketing department works on, my chest thumps, excited as I scroll through it.

“Lack of sleep might be a cause,” Robert tells me. “Anyone showed you around?”

“Not yet, but Mark said he will later.” I pause, smiling. “Would you like to show me the café, Robert?”

“If the lady desires to see it, of course.” His tone sounds chirpier than seconds ago. I guess I made the right decision. “Come to my office. We’ll go together.”

Once I walk into Robert’s office, my mouth hits the ground.

“What happened in here?”

“Apocalypse of paperwork exploded.” He grunts his retort as I sneeze from the dust hanging in clouds. But then he just grabs my shoulders, surprising me. “I can’t wait any longer. I need caffeine.”

Mischief shines in his dark brown eyes as he steers me out of his office.

“Denise, meet Cassandra. I don’t think you got introduced last time.”

“Hi. I’m the one they keep imprisoned between their offices.”

Denise chortles subtly, flipping her auburn hair over her shoulder. She extends her delicate hand to me.

“Nice to meet you. These two keep me busy here too.” Her gaze shifts between us two. “Where are you both heading?” Her curious gaze skims over Robert with far too much interest for an employee. I can’t blame her; Robert is a really handsome man with a charming personality.

“To the break room. Cassandra needs to know the best hangout spots in this place.”

We chat a bit and then Robert gives her instructions, and we leave.
