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The driver nods and starts the car as the bodyguard sitting next to him speaks into his headset, reporting my whereabouts to the team.

The ringing phone startles me again. “Cassandra Cade.”

“How are you, Cassandra?” The baritone chuckle sends insects crawling up my skin, and my insides churn. “Last time I saw you, you were . . . off balance.” His suggestive tone’s consuming the clarity from my brain.

“Mr. Belington, what a surprise to hear from you again.” I swallow the vomit rising up my throat and take rigid breaths to keep myself from losing my wits. “How can I help?” I force myself to ask, shuddering at my own stupidity to play brave with this pervert.

Only fear keeps me from shouting, threatening him back. He has something I don’t want anyone to see. He has me in his palms, and he knows it.

“Cassandra, it’s the other way around. It’s me who can help you.”

I clear my throat, afraid he’s audacious enough to suggest . . .

“I think Mark and I can manage, sir.”

He laughs, and it obliterates my shame.

This time I burn with anger, slowly filling me with strength.

“Oh, Mrs. Cade, the boy you have in your bed will never be brave enough to show you the heights of true dominance. You’ll see soon what I mean.”

The frost seeps into my soul as if someone sucked all the heat from the car. His words are like daggers flying straight to my guts.

“Is this why you’re calling, so you can proposition me?”

“Not quite. Although I have a proposition you won’t be able to refuse. After all, Mrs. Cade, you are a businesswoman, aren’t you?”

“I am, but I don’t sell my body, Mr. Belington. I don’t bargain with my soul or heart.” I catch my reflection in the window. My pupils are dilated, and my face looks pale as a ghost.

“With the right amount of motivation, I might sway your work ethics, Cassandra.”

I stay silent because with every sentence he leaves a trail of thick poison coursing through my system.

“There’s nothing in this world that’s off-limits. Everyone can be convinced or bought for the right price. We’re all afraid of the aftermaths the truth might trigger, like dirty secrets we hide, the decadent pleasure we love to sample.”

My eyes shut closed, and I press the button to open the window. A gust of air hits my face, bringing the welcoming chaos from outside. Just keep him talking. I remind myself. Perhaps if I figure out what he wants, I could deal with him and end this mess.

“And what’s your ace, Mr. Belington? What are you going to use to persuade me?” Gathering courage, I ask, needing to know what he intends to do with the video.

“You could buy incriminating evidence, exposing your deviant tastes from me, Cassandra.” That one sentence, loaded with insinuation, hangs heavily in the air.

“No.” My rejection’s out before I have time to digest the consequences of pissing him off.

“Well, we still have time to change your mind.” His voice sounds harder like he’s gritting his teeth. “I’m calling about something else. Since you failed to open your mail, I thought I would give you a few pointers.”

My gaze fastens on a black envelope protruding from the bag next to me. I pick it up. That kid gave it to me just before I met Lester outside. Could it have been arranged? I catch one of the bodyguards eyeing my hands, but he says nothing.

“Mr. Belington, could you please tell me what this is all about?”

“Patience, Cassandra. In the future, learn some manners or I’ll teach you . . .”

“You seem to have a rich imagination and twisted perception of me. I have no time for this. I’m afraid my family needs my attention.”

“Oh, but this is exactly about them. I thought I should give you a heads-up about your family’s dark tastes for money and power. Open the envelope, Mrs. Cade, and find out for yourself.”

I rip the seal and pull out the papers.

“What’s this?” I whisper, trying to read everything at once.
