Page 81 of Warpath

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The Shill

Kill the Shill

By Anthony Neil Smith

Worm (TP only)

All the Young Warriors TP only)

Once a Warrior (TP only)

By Liam Sweeny

Welcome Back, Jack

By Art Taylor (editor)

Murder Under the Oaks: Bouchercon Anthology 2015

By Lono Waiwaiole

Wiley's Lament

Wiley's Shuffle

Wiley's Refrain

Dark Paradise

By Vincent Zandri

Moonlight Weeps

(*) Coming soon

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Here’s a sample from Eric Beetner & Frank Zafiro’s The Backlist.



Getting in to see the old man used to be easier.

Actually, it was even easier to get face time with his old man, but I guess it isn’t really fair to make comparisons. I was still wearing pigtails and a training bra when Saverio was the boss. Not exactly a major security threat. Add to that the fact that I was always with my pops, who Saverio trusted in more ways than one, including with his life.

So I guess I shouldn’t judge Salvatore too harshly. He inherited the big chair at a time when any pretense of omerta was out the door, and when the family started making sure its soldiers remained loyal through pretty simple means: if you turned rat, they killed your whole family. It was old school Sicilian. It was harsh. And it was effective. There wasn’t a single made guy who turned state’s evidence in the decade Sal’s been the boss. So that’s something ya gotta respect.

Still, getting through the gauntlet of doors and sides of beef wearing cheap suits just to see him was a pain in the ass. And he summoned me. It’s not like I was just showing up trying to sell magazine subscriptions.

Finally, I made it into the waiting area outside his office. Bruno Taggliarti stood next to the door, his giant arms crossed over his chest. He looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and disdain, two words I’d be impressed if he knew.

“Be a minute,” he grunted at me.

I shrugged and took a seat. As if he knew the old man’s schedule anyway. Besides, I knew there was a pin-sized camera just above the door. When Sal was ready for me, his consigliere, Max, would come out and get me. Bruno would get the news same time I did.

The waiting area was quiet for a few moments except for the sound of Bruno’s labored breathing. Christ, I’d hate to hear what he sounded like after doing anything strenuous, like opening a door or reaching down to tie his shoes.
