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“It wasn’t long before I was filing for a divorce.” He rolled his eyes. “You can imagine how well that went over with my parents.”

“They weren’t supportive?”

He snorted. “Mother had a fit. She’d hit it off with Jill right off. I should have known right then that Jill was the wrong woman for me.”

“How did Jill react?”

“I don’t think she’d ever been tossed over before. She was devastated, more because it damaged her pristine reputation, not to mention her gigantic ego. She fought damn hard, but when it was all said and done, the judge decided in favor of the divorce and split everything right down the middle. Hell, I think he felt sorry for me.”

Trent stopped and thought about it all over again. Funny, it didn’t hurt like it used to. Then he thought of Crystal and knew she was the reason. She was so different from his mother, from Jill. She was kind and compassionate, sensual and loving, filled with life. She’d give as much as she got in any relationship. If he wasn’t careful, this woman was going to sneak into his heart. It shook him for a minute, but he couldn’t stop the smile that cross

ed his face as he thought of how much he enjoyed being with her. It hit him then that he’d forgotten to wear a condom earlier. Shit. “Crystal, I know this is not the time to ask, but are you on birth control pills?”

Crystal looked anxious at the change in conversation. “Actually, yes, I am. I started taking them when I was very young to control the flow of my monthly.”

Trent digested that news. “That’s good news. Still, I should have been taking better care with you. I think I let my emotions rule my actions.” Crystal worried her bottom lip with her teeth. Trent touched her there with his finger, effectively stopping her actions. “Ready?”

Crystal appeared to search his face; what she was looking for he didn’t know. Finally she said, “Whenever you are.”

He kissed her, keeping it light on purpose. They’d never leave the apartment if he let it get too hot. He rose from the couch and held out his hand. She took it easily, sending a shock of heat clear to his core.

“You are without a doubt the most handsome, caring man. Jill was an idiot. That’s all I can think about a woman who would let you get away.”

He chuckled. “Pretty much how I feel about your ex.”

“Good riddance to them both,” Crystal declared.

“Exactly,” he groaned. “Now, let’s go before I change my mind, woman.”

As they left the apartment, Trent thought back over their conversation. Richard had a lot to answer for. If he ever saw that son of a bitch again, he’d beat the shit out of him. Trent thought about Mac and wondered if he should fill him in, then quickly nixed the idea. It seemed like that should be for Crystal to do. Whether she felt comfortable sharing that part of her life or not, it was her choice to make, not his.


On Wednesday afternoon, Crystal sat across the table at a little bistro with Mollie and her friends. She was beginning to wish she hadn’t agreed to meet with them, though, because they all kept asking her about the mysterious men of Kinks that she was currently dating. Darn Mollie for letting that particular cat out of the bag. They pumped her for information about Trent, then Mac. She’d been very good at keeping the questions at bay, so far. She felt cornered, and there was no escape.

“Okay, spill the goods, sister,” Trina prodded.

Mollie worked with Trina. The heavyset woman with the blond bob seemed nice, but Crystal didn’t know her well enough to go into details about her sex life. “I don’t know what you mean,” she hedged.

“Just what’s happened between you and those two hotties?” she pushed a little more. “And what’s with the rosy glow you’ve got?”

Crystal choked on her ice water and laughed. “Rosy glow?”

“Pfft, we know you got laid, but we still want details,” Mollie’s other friend Sherry said, adding her own two cents. Her usually stern expression was lit up now with a curious gleam in her eye.

Crystal had only hung out with these ladies a handful of times, but Mollie knew the bunch from the administrative office where she worked. Still, two things were clear. First, the candid discussion was obviously one they were used to engaging in, because none of the ladies had even the slightest hint of a blush. Second, she wasn’t getting out of the restaurant without telling them at least a little of her private life. Crystal knew they would never give up on her. Not until she gave them all something to gossip about.

Crystal took a long drink of her water and said, “Well, I went to a club with Mollie and I ended up meeting the owners. Since that night I’ve gone out with them a few times. End of story.”

“Them? As in plural?” Sherry probed.

Crystal rolled her eyes. “You guys are way too curious about my sex life. Really, there’s not that much to tell.” For some reason she didn’t want to share Trent and Mac with them. What she had with the two guys was no one else’s business.

“Hey, I’ve seen those two,” Trina said as she wagged her eyebrows. “They’re delish. If you’re taking them for test drives, you are one lucky lady.”

“Fine, you want the truth? Their names are Trent and Mac, and they’re absolutely the hottest, sexiest, nicest, most caring men I’ve ever met.” Crystal let out a frustrated breath. “I swear, you ladies are nosy.”

Everyone went quiet for a moment, then Mollie spoke up finally. “They are seriously amazing. And if anyone deserves amazing, you do.”
