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The elevator stopped at its final destination, the doors sliding open again with a hushed whisper, and he slowly moved away from Reagan. He kept his hands on her waist, steadying her as she unwound her legs from around his hips so she could stand. She brushed her hair away from her shoulder when he let her go and exited the elevator, flashing him an enticing smile from over her shoulder that had him following after her like he was some sort of dumbstruck dog.

Which he sort of felt like he was.

Go for it.

Those three words were an incessant beat thrumming through her body, a reminder that she needed to take this opportunity for what it was and…go for it.

A chance. One night with Declan Carter, her every fantasy man come to life. She’d admired him for so long, giggling with her friends over how hot he was. Watching his movies alone and pausing the DVD machine when he was shirtless so she could admire his abs.

Fine, she might’ve even used him as a masturbation aide once or twice in her life. She ne

ver thought she’d actually be with him, though. Kiss him. Feel his fingers pinch her nipple and his erection grind against her aching wet center.

Yeah. That all happened only within the last ten minutes. She couldn’t wait to see what unfolded next.

Declan chased after her—yes, he was chasing her, unbelievable—in the short hallway that lead to one single door that had a gold plaque beside it reading Penthouse Suite. Stopping short, she slowly turned and watched him approach, his keycard already clasped in his fingers, wearing that sexy closed-lipped smile she remembered seeing him wear in his first movie long, long ago.

Her knees went weak at the sight of that bone-melting smile because it was aimed directly at her. Not a camera. Not a gorgeous blonde model hanging on his arm. Her.

“Nice digs,” she murmured as he came up beside her and slid the key into the slot.

He shot her a look, his gaze dark and direct and full of undisguised arousal. “Only the best.”

“What about your friends? They didn’t get as fancy a suite? Looks like this is the only room on this floor.”

He opened the door and waved his hand, indicating she should enter. “They’re on the floor below mine. They decided I should have the best suite this time around, since we’re celebrating my new role,” he explained, shutting the door behind him and turning the lock into place.

The loud click rang inside the otherwise stillness of the suite, and she turned on her heel, watching as he carefully approached her. He set the key on a nearby table, his fingers drawing across the tabletop in a sensuous caress and she shivered. Could imagine those fingers doing that very thing to her body.

“Nervous?” he asked, raising a single brow.

Who knew one eyebrow could be so damn sexy? Her panties grew wet at the mere sight of it. Maybe knowing what his intentions were helped that cause too. “No,” she answered carefully.

He stopped just before her, reaching out to trace a single finger down the length of her cheek. “Maybe you should be. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a woman.”

She found that hard to believe. “Really?” The sarcasm in her voice was evident even to her own ears. But come on.

He’s Declan fucking Carter.

“Don’t believe me?” He snuck his arm around her waist and pulled her in close, their hips colliding, her hands going to his broad, warm chest. She wanted his shirt off. Wanted to explore the acres of potentially exposed skin with her lips and tongue.

Her insides went liquid at the thought.

“I want to,” she said earnestly, and then she started to laugh, making him chuckle too.

“No one’s interested me.” He sank a hand beneath her skirt, lifting the fabric so he could touch the outside of her thigh. She both wanted to yank away from his hand and press into it. His palm heated her. Branded her. “I’ve been so focused on work lately, it didn’t allow for many…distractions.”

“Is that what this is? What I am? A distraction?” Her breath hitched in her throat when his fingers traveled across her thigh, up toward her panties. He played with the silky fabric strip at her hip, and she waited breathlessly for him to venture into more forbidden territory.

“What do you want to call it? A one-night stand?” He kissed her before she could answer, his tongue tangling with hers at the precise moment his fingers wound around the band of her panties, pulling the fabric taut at the center of her legs.

Oh God, that felt so good. The fabric rubbing against her sensitive flesh sent little zings through her bloodstream, heat sparkling across her skin. He broke the kiss first, his gaze intense as he stared into her eyes, his fingers moving in a sawing motion that had the fabric of her panties go slack, then tighten again.

“That’s really all it is,” she murmured before she bit her lip to keep her whimper contained. She needed to remind herself that was all this was. A one-night stand. A little fun on a Friday night. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” and all that nonsense.

He slipped his hand beneath the front of her panties, making her gasp when his sure fingers cupped her bare skin. “Wet,” he murmured just before he devoured her mouth with his.

All she could do was stand there and take it. Everything was centered on that one spot between her legs where Declan was rubbing her, again and again, his mouth locked with hers, his tongue doing perfectly wicked, perfectly perfect things. She could come like this. She was already close. It had been so long since she had assured, rough male fingers between her legs, stroking her into oblivion. Lately it had been her own hand.
