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And she wasn’t easy. No way. She was a good girl. She’d always been a good girl. Good girls didn’t mess around with strange men, no matter how famous, how gorgeous, how good they smelled, right?

“Yeah, you’re going to say no. That’s the smart thing to do.” He started to step away but she reached out and grabbed him, her fingers going around his wrist. Well, trying to because it was so thick, goodness.

The man was thick everywhere.

Luke glanced down at where she touched him, then lifted his head so his dark eyes found hers. She parted her lips, tugged on his arm, and he came closer, so close he was invading her space and her thoughts, and she knew, without a doubt, she wanted him invading her body too.

“Yes,” she whispered as she slipped her other arm around his neck and brought his mouth down to hers. “Yes, I’ll go back to your room with you.”

She felt his smile against her lips right before he kissed her.

Thank Christ he was staying in the same hotel that Declan’s little gathering was being held at. The faster he got Andrea back to his suite, the faster he could get her naked.

They left the party without saying a word to anyone, not that he could find anyone to say goodbye to. It was like they all scattered. Andrea texted her friends, letting them know she was all right, and then she dropped her phone into her little purse, smiled up at him, and it was like his world titled on its axis.

Damn, she had a pretty smile. A pretty body. Pretty lips. Pretty everything.

He escorted her through the casino area, the musical sounds of the machines loud, the cheering at the tables on the other side of the room even louder. It was a busy Friday night—the floor was packed, and he noticed numerous women giving him the eye, men doing double takes because he was familiar.

The men were also doing double takes because of the gorgeous woman walking beside him in the sexy-as-fuck dress. Where did she find it anyway? It clung to her body almost lovingly, covering her in all the right places that set his imagination wild.

He was going to have a good time taking it off of her, that he could guarantee.

“People are staring at you,” she murmured, smiling up at him when he glanced down at her. He liked how tall she was. He still towered above her, but at least she was in manageable kissing distance.

“I think they’re staring at you,” he replied, tearing his ga

ze from hers so he could walk like a normal human being and not do something stupid like trip over his own feet because he was too entranced with her.

“No.” She laughed. “You’re the famous football player. Didn’t your team go to the Super Bowl recently?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, we did. And we lost too, unfortunately.”

“Thought so. Not that I really paid attention. I usually only watch it for the commercials.”

The more she talked, the more he liked her. And the more he touched her, kissed her, the more he really liked her.

“You’re not a football fan?” he asked, steering her out of the way of a large group of guys headed straight toward them. They all leered at her, every single one of them, and when they looked up, he shot them a murderous glare.

Their eyes widened, and one of the men pointed at Luke, muttering, “Aren’t you…”

He ignored them and kept walking, slipping his arm around Andrea’s waist and pulling her close to his side.

“See? They recognized you,” she said, seemingly oblivious to the way they just stared at her with their tongues practically hanging out.

“Yeah, after they undressed you with their eyes,” he said, his voice tight. Maybe the dress wasn’t so great after all. It drew a lot of unwanted attention.

“They did not.” When he sent her a look, her eyes widened. “They did?”

“Oh yeah. I told you that dress should be illegal.” He guided her to the left, down the hall where the bank of elevators up to the rooms was. “It’s fucking lethal.”

She giggled, sounding uncomfortable. “Yeah, I swear my butt is going to fall out.”

“That’s what everyone’s hoping for.” Including me.

“Really?” She sounded shocked. Completely unaware of just how sexy she was.

“Uh-huh.” He slowed down, smiling and nodding at the man who watched over the guest elevators.
