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Chapter One

Jenna exited the bus, opening her umbrella the instant she stepped onto the slick sidewalk. The rain beat down incessantly, and she mentally whispered another thank you she watched the morning newscast that predicted the torrential storm.

Around her, she noticed others who weren’t so lucky. People dashing by, their footsteps hurried, their clothing already drenched from the downpour. The tall guy ahead of her walked with his head hunkered down, his coat held halfway up over his head as some sort of useless shield. She felt sorry for him.

She cocked her head and studied him a bit more closely. He had a nice butt. It looked especially fine in navy blue workpants, and she saw a slice of light blue shirt flash from beneath his jacket as he lifted it up. It appeared he wore some sort of uniform. She’d always had a thing for guys in uniform.

Okay, that was a lie. She’d never gone out with a man who wore a uniform let alone sought them out. But there was something about the way this guy walked, his long legs eating up the ground, the flex of his ass as he moved. Who knew navy blue regulation workpants could be sexy?

She hurried her steps, hoping to see if the face matched the body. The sidewalk was slippery, she almost lost her footing and the umbrella bobbed and weaved when her arm flailed out, allowing a deluge of rain to shower her in an instant. She jerked the umbrella low over her head, trying for cool and most likely failing, but she couldn’t worry about that. She needed to check this guy out, see if he lived up to her fantasy potential.

Approaching alongside him, she slid her gaze to the left and caught a glimpse of a handsome profile as she passed slowly. His hair was soaked, but it appeared dark and he had a straight nose, full lips. Full lips curved into a friendly smile and she realized he was looking right at her.


Jenna glanced away, feeling like a fool. She swore her cheeks heated with embarrassment, she could feel them even in the chilly late afternoon air. Kept her eyes trained straight ahead so he wouldn’t catch her looking again, she slowed her steps, not wanting to keep pace with him.

He slowed his steps too. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. Came closer to her, too, as he matched her pace.

“You, uh, look pretty dry under there.” His rich, sexy voice reached her ears even above the patter of the rain and she stopped short, lifting her umbrella high over her head.

He stood hunched under the flimsy protection of his drenched coat, a little smile curving those sexy lips. His eyes were dark, his skin swarthy as if he spent a lot of time out in the sun. Just thinking about the sun made her wistful.

It had rained for what felt like months, years. And usually the rain made her miserable.

Not today.

“I’ll share with you,” she offered, shocked that she even said it. She lifted her umbrella even higher, extending it in his direction and she felt the drip, drip, drip of raindrops hit the back of her head.

His smile grew. The sight of it made her stomach jitter, and he ducked his head, coming right under the umbrella. “Hey, thanks. But I think you’re getting wet.”

In more ways than one, she wanted to say. The man stood so close she could feel his body heat. She could smell him. And oh, did he smell good. Like spice and pine and warm potent male with a hint of rain.

Of course, the guy smelled like rain. He was covered in it. His hair was soaked, his skin streaked with it. His coat, especially across the shoulders, was completely saturated through.

She would’ve resembled a drowned rat. She probably already did. Yet he looked like some sort of sex god.

The sex god stared at her with twinkling dark brown eyes and a cocky little smile still curving his lips. As if he knew what sort of effect he had on her. Could he know? No way.

“Ready to go?”

“I don’t live too far from here.” She nibbled on her lower lip. Should she have admitted that to a complete and total stranger? What if he was a serial killer? What if he stalked women and she was his next victim?

“I’ll take what I can get to keep semi-dry. Let’s go.” He took the umbrella from her, and she let him. It worked perfectly since he was taller and it was putting a strain on her arm to hold it that high.

They walked together, and she sunk her hands into the pockets of her black wool pea coat, wishing like crazy she had worn her hair down today. The rain and humidity would’ve made it look like a puffball though so maybe that was a blessing in disguise. She wished the weather was warm, that maybe the clouds would break and the sun would glimmer through.

But then she wouldn’t have asked him to share her umbrella so this was meant to be, right?

Jenna was a big believer in meant to be.

“You live on this street?” His question knocked her from her thoughts, and she glanced over to find him watching her.

She nodded. “I do. Just up a few blocks.”

“I live the next street over.”

Ah, so they were almost neighbors. She’d always wanted a hot neighbor.

“I’ve only lived here for a few months,” he continued. “And I’m

rarely home because I’m always working.”

“I guess you don’t have a dog then.”
