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“Hurry back then,” Jenna urged. “You’ll have a big, yummy drink full of alcohol waiting for you.”

“Thanks, guys.” Mia flashed them a quick wave and hurried out of the restaurant.

Jake Miller stood in front of Edward’s Movie Theater, clutching the sleek BlackBerry phone in his right hand. He scanned the crowded walkway, surprised at the endless stream of people that passed by.

When was the last time he went out on a Friday night? He couldn’t remember. He’d been too busy recovering to think much about his social life.

“Where is she?”

He glanced over at his younger sister Krista. She watched him warily, slender arms crossed in front of her, foot tapping impatiently. “She’s coming. She said she was close by.” Jake shook his head. “I still can’t believe you convinced me to go to that shitty movie.”

Krista grinned. “Next time you get to choose.”

Next time he would pick the most violent, shoot ‘em up movie he could come up with. Or maybe he’d choose a vulgar comedy instead. “You so owe me.”

“I know.” Slipping her arm through his, she gave him a quick squeeze. “I’m so glad you’re out of the hospital.”

He was glad too. After a steel beam landed square on his back and broke it, he’d been recovering first in the hospital, then in a rehabilitation center.

It could’ve killed him. A realization he’d pondered more than once.

Now he just needed to figure out if he wanted to go back to his construction business. He was part owner thanks to his dad, and they weren’t pushing him to come back.

He hated to admit it, but it had scared him. He still had nightmares about that beam landing on him, how he’d been trapped. Afraid he might die pinned to the ground, his crew surrounding him, trying to help.

She had a hot voice, the mystery owner of the phone. Even when she’d been all prickly over his questioning, he couldn’t deny the sweet sound had spiked his interest. He’d always liked his women feisty. But when was the last time he’d had a feisty woman? Hell, when was the last time he’d had any woman?

Too long, brother.

Jake checked out the phone, hitting a few buttons until he was magically in the settings area. He hit contacts and punched in his name and cell phone number, just for kicks. There were no other Jakes listed, which he found promising. Though he noticed she had a few unopened text messages, all from a guy named Larry. He didn’t read any of them, he wasn’t that nosy, but he could only assume they were from a boyfriend or whatever.

“You think that’s her?” Krista gave him a nudge in the ribs.

He glanced up to see a tall blonde walking hurriedly toward them wearing a simple pink tank top that clung tight to her small breasts. Firm breasts that drew his gaze, and he couldn’t stop staring. Her ponytail bobbed as she approached, and when their eyes met her expression became expectant, hopeful.

His cock gave a little jerk of reaction. She was pretty, with long legs encased in tight jeans and sweet, little smile on her face. He wondered what she looked like naked.

He wondered again when the last time he got laid.


bsp; “I think that’s her,” Jake murmured to his sister as he disengaged himself from Krista’s grip.

The blonde stopped just in front of them, her gaze darting from Krista to Jake. “Are you the guy with my phone?”

“One and the same.” He waved it at her, and she looked ready to snatch it from his hand.

“You don’t know how much this means to me that you found it.” She smiled, the relief clearly shining in her pretty eyes. “Thank you so much for meeting me.”

“We were just getting ready to leave. You lucked out.” He handed her the BlackBerry, and she took it from him eagerly, practically caressed it with the tips of her fingers. “It was sitting in the middle of the aisle of the row below where I sat.”

Her delicate brows wrinkled. “You were behind us?”

“I guess I was.” Had she been out on a date? If he remembered correctly there had been a bunch of women sitting in front of him and Krista. With the stadium seating he never paid much attention.

“Well, thank you again. I really appreciate it.”

A phone rang and he realized it was coming from Krista’s front pocket. Withdrawing her cell, she walked away from them with a little wave, mouthing “I’ll be back” at Jake.
