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“So dinner tonight at seven. With me. Sounds good?”

“Sure. Okay.” She would’ve said perfect but she didn’t want to sound too excited. “Where do you want to meet?”

“How about I come pick you up? What’s your address?”

Mia hesitated

. What if she went out with him and realized he wasn’t her type? What if the conversation was stilted and she became uncomfortable? What if he turned out to be a total pervert?

It might not be so bad, him being a pervert. It had been a while since she’d had sex. Terrific, mind-blowing, toe-numbing sex. And from what she remembered last night she thought he might be able to deliver.

Not my type, yeah, right. Only because he could do so much better than little ol’ me.

“Let’s meet somewhere instead,” she repeated. Just in case, she told herself.

She could tell he was disappointed at her suggestion, but she didn’t care. Well, she did a little, but she couldn’t let herself care. This was so unlike her, going out on a date with a guy she hardly knew. All of her past boyfriends had been guys she’d known and known well. Boys she went to school with or co-workers, and her last steady boyfriend had originally been her neighbor at the same apartment complex. He’d moved in and everything with talks of marriage and children, the works.

But he’d been so much older, almost thirty-five. And she’d been barely twenty-four. They’d broken up over a year ago, after she told him she wasn’t ready to get married.

She hadn’t really gone on a date since.

After a few minutes of discussing favorite food they decided on a sushi restaurant not too far from her apartment. She hung up and immediately ran to her closet where she started tearing through her clothes.

Mia wanted to look good on her date with Mister Hot Stuff. She’d already planned on going to the mall to buy a smaller purse. Now she had the perfect excuse to search out a new outfit for tonight.

Grabbing her gargantuan purse and her phone, she headed out the door.


That was the first thought rattling around in Jake’s brain when he saw Mia enter the restaurant. She glanced about the crowded room, pouty mouth curved in a slight frown. A mouth his gaze immediately zeroed in on for it opened up an entire night’s worth of fantasies at first sight of it. All of them involving those plump lips fused with his, sliding down his body, sucking on his…

He scrubbed a hand along his jaw. Willed his body to get a grip. Last thing he needed to do was fantasize about all the different ways she could service him. He hardly knew the woman. Didn’t need to scare her and make her think he was some sort of freak only looking to get laid.

I am looking to get laid.

Arriving fifteen minutes early to sit in wait of her arrival was completely unlike him. He’d taken perch in the bar. Found a spot where he could watch the door without looking as if he did. From the moment he settled himself and ordered a beer he’d felt…


Him, nervous about a date. Ridiculous.

Her gaze lit upon him and she smiled, fueling another thought to run through his mind.

I’m in fucking trouble.

She made her way toward him, pushing through the maze of people with a graceful ease. “Hi,” she greeted him simply, and he could only stare at her in silence. She wore some sort of slinky black dress that did amazing things to her already banging body. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail again, showcasing the elegant length of her neck. Her skin glowed, face was artfully made up so well he wondered if she actually wore any cosmetics, and discreet pearl studs dotted each delicate ear.

Again, utter perfection in her appearance. And again, he wanted nothing more than to yank her into his arms and mess her up. Run his hands up and down her body, push a sleeve off her shoulder, wrinkle the fabric a little bit. Leave her rattled and mussed and breathless.

“Hey, Mia.” He liked saying her name. It was exotic yet simple and pretty, much like the woman herself.

He slid off the barstool and waved his hand toward it. “Want to sit?”

“Is the wait long?’ She looked around the room again, as if mentally counting every single person that filled it.

“Maybe ten more minutes if that.” They’d agreed to meet at a popular sushi restaurant, and it was a Saturday night so the place was packed. Not that he minded. It was his go-to place for sushi, and he hadn’t indulged in his favorite cuisine in a long time.

“Oh, that’s not bad. This place is always busy.” Her gaze met his once more. Her expression shy, a little hesitant. “It’s my favorite restaurant.”
