Page 19 of MoreLust

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When the EMT’s arrived, they found Paul lying face up with a smile on his face and covered in feces.

“Oh My GOD!” shouted a paramedic, “that’s the Congressman! Where’s my camera?!?!?”

The front page of the next day’s Enquirer had his picture plastered on the cover with the caption “Congressman finally pulls head out of ass at local strip-club.”

The Hangover

Nicole’s head pounded loudly and she rolled over in the bed. The constant throb of a hangover was obvious. She wanted to keep her eyes closed against the light and never open them. Instead she rummaged through the clothing thrown across the floor trying to find her underwear.

Last night

was a blur. She tried desperately to remember what happened but it just became fuzzier. Her last memory was the beautiful wedding and reception at the Hilton. She had a vague image of dancing and talking at the bar with a guy. Her best friend had gotten married and she had been a bridesmaid, again. The old cliché, “Always the bridesmaid never the bride” fit her perfectly. She had been a little down about that.

Nicole squinted, trying to keep her head from pounding. She wasn’t sure where she was but could see clothing lying over the chair and her gown hanging up on the closet door. A light shone from under the bathroom door and the sound of the shower echoed in the background.

She sat up, wobbling dizzily from the evening’s leftover spins. Her eyes began to adjust to the dim light and she looked around the room trying to focus on things. She noticed a strange discomfort as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her ass hurt a little and she suddenly thought why. She vaguely remembered having her face buried in the bed and engaging in anal pleasures. She glanced at the floor and saw a pair of boxers and four glow in the dark condom wrappers. She grinned at the wetness between her legs. Too bad she didn’t remember anything!

Her mind started spinning as she put her head in her hands. Feeling nauseated, she sat on the edge of the bed again.

Nicole felt the strain of her bladder—she needed to pee. She stood up and staggered towards the bathroom. Tripping over champagne bottles and flowers, she barely kept her balance and had to use the walls of the hallway to support her.

The bathroom was brightly lit. Nicole squinted as she opened the door and slowly wobbled in.

The steam from the shower helped to clear her head a little. She sat on the toilet farting loudly. The steady release from her bladder made her sigh as she tinkled. “Ahhhhhhhhh!” Nicole trembled as a chill of relief swept through her.

“Is that you, hon?” she heard a female’s voice from the shower.

Her stomach quivered and she let out an abrupt hissing fart that burned her sore anus. With that, she sobered up abruptly, wondering what the hell had happened.

“Don’t flush dear, I’m almost done here. Unless you want to join me?” the voice giggled.

“Uhhhh, just a sec.” Nicole considered what she knew as she jiggled her ass above the toilet getting the last drips of wetness off her. What should I do? Where did the condoms come from? How drunk was I last night? Is this why I have this aftertaste in my mouth? Am I gay now? Why does my ass hurt? Is the woman pretty? Does she have bigger boobs than I do?

Nicole was torn and also curious as to what had happened last night. She had never done anything of a lesbian nature. Feeling that whatever happened last night happened and she couldn’t change it, Nicole decided to just go with the flow.

“You were incredible last night,” the mystery woman said. “I hope you had fun too. You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

In a desperate attempt to seem like she had a recollection of what happened, Nicole just agreed and sat on the cold porcelain toilet. Her pussy was sore from whatever happened the night before and it irritated her when she urinated.

“It was a new experience for me, that’s for sure,” she finally said, trying to be convincing.

“Are you coming in here or not?” the mystery woman asked in a playful tone.

Nicole stood up and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes collecting her thoughts. She breathed out, pulling herself together and opened the shower door.

As she stepped into the shower the woman faced away from her. She had long blonde hair and a nice shape to her. Her ass was firm and rounded like a teardrop. The small tattoo on the small of her back was petite and feminine. She stood about 5 foot 5 inches tall and had olive-toned skin.

“Can you wash my back? I’d appreciate it,” she said, handing Nicole the puff cloth. “After all,” she said slyly, “it’s your fault I hurt it. “

Nicole, felt lost and confused. She crossed a line she wasn’t sure she was ready for. Mostly she felt uncomfortable but still curious. She couldn’t help but stare admiringly at the woman’s body while slowly rubbing her back with the cloth and watching the bubbles trickle down to her ass with the warm water. Nicole felt a sense of closeness and moved the woman’s wet hair to the side and pressed against her body.

The woman turned her face to Nicole and leaned against her body. “Hello again lover,” she whispered.

Nicole saw her face again for the first time. She had a very pretty face. Nicole felt compelled to wrap her arms around and wash her perky, small breasts with the puff cloth and soap. The feel of the slippery flesh against hers became more arousing as the seconds passed.

Nicole understood how she could have been attracted to this woman the previous night. She had a deep sensuality to her. Maybe there was more to this. She could never stay in a long-term relationship with a man. She always seemed to be able to talk to women more easily than men. But, she did LOVE the feel of a man’s hard cock inside of her. That was one thing she could never do without.

They kissed gently as the woman leaned her head back, letting Nicole feel her breasts. She tasted the inside of Nicole’s mouth with the tip of her tongue. Nicole seemed almost to mold to her. As the heat rose, her inner desires and the unknown boundaries excited her in more ways than she had ever imagined possible. Thoughts of another woman’s body rubbing against hers. Thoughts of a knowing woman suckling her pussy the way men can’t. The images shot through her mind, as she kissed this beautiful woman.
