Page 23 of MoreLust

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“I like to see you in anything, but mostly in nothing at all!”

Rupert forced his hands into the bust of the corset and grabbed her breasts.

“Uh, honey, my hands are stuck,” Rupert said, struggling to get his hands free from the front of the outfit.

“What? Ouch, that hurts! I can’t put my arms down!” Delilah cried, feeling confined and awkward.


“Shit, I can’t answer the phone!” Rupert yelled.

“Try unzipping it! The zipper is in the back. Use your teeth.” He was behind her but his hands were stuck in front and over her shoulders. So he did his best contortionist maneuver and stretched his neck down and grabbed the zipper in his teeth.

“Ahhhh! Ouch, I just chipped my tooth and the latch on the zipper broken!” he screamed as blood trickled from his mouth.

They tried to break loose from their odd situation but they lost their balance and Rupert slammed against a small table. The lamp fell and broke, scattering porcelain all over the floor. The table dropped onto the floor with a loud thud. To top things off the small candle on the table caught the carpet on fire.

About this time the motel manager was making his rounds and walked by their room. He couldn’t help but hear the screaming and thrashing about in the room, as Rupert frantically tried to free his hands. The manager, assuming the worst, banged on the door and since nobody was answering he unlocked the door. From the doorway he saw Rupert bent over with Delilah in front of him and his hands locked in her camisole. To the manager it looked like he was choking her, so he rushed up behind him and pulled at him, freeing his hands.

They fell back with Rupert cracking his head on the coffee table. Delilah’s breasts popped out and the camisole ripped a seam.

At the police station Delilah was booked for prostitution, Rupert’s head received twelve stitches and the Enquirer interviewed the hotel manager.

When Rupert finally came to, he explained to the judge what was going on. After the laughter subsided, the judge made him pay for damages and ordered him to go home. When they finally got home the kids were all in bed sleeping, the house was clean (even their bedroom), and the babysitter was doing her homework (Biology of human sexuality).

“What a night!” Rupert told Delilah as she was taking off her make-up and standing in front of the mirror wearing her old, beat up flannel robe.

She jumped into bed with her green mud mask and told Rupert, “We don’t need a motel room, we’ve got this old bed and we’ve made magic here for 10 years! I love you Rupert… Rupert?”


They snuggled up next to each other and fell asleep in each other’s arms, just like every other night.

The Apartment

Linda had just spent a four long weeks away on business and had taken the red-eye flight home. She was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to get in her own bed. She had a headache and slight hangover from airline drinks and her luggage seemed to weigh a ton as she dragged it towards her apartment.

After what seemed an eternity of stairs, she walked in without even turning on the lights and headed straight for her bed. When she went in her bedroom, she saw a pair of pants draped over a chair in the darkened room. Carl must be here, she thought to herself. Not even bothering to shower or take off her make-up, she stripped naked and slipped into her bed. Oh, it feels so nice to be in my own bed, she thought to herself. It had been so long that she barely recognized it—it felt so much better than she remembered.

As she lay there in an extremely relaxed state, Carl rolled over. He put his big strong arm around Linda. His warmth soothed her as he hugged her tightly, softly kissing her on the earlobe.

“I missed you,” he whispered while slowly stroking her soft skin ever so delicately.

“Mmmmmm, that feels nice,” she whispered back, leaning into his body.

He rolled her onto her stomach and climbed on top of her. His large hands began rubbing and massaging her back.

“God, it’s been so long since you’ve done something like this to me,” she softly said. “It feels great!” Linda began to melt to his touch, her body relaxing and molding to the curves of the bed.

It was very stimulating and quite a turn-on to have someone baby her like this. Time stood still for her as he painstakingly massaged every inch of her back and slowly moved his hands around to feel the sides of her breasts. As he cupped the smooth fullness of her breasts, Linda moaned into the bed feeling herself falling into bliss. She felt so relaxed and it was almost dreamlike. As Carl moved down to her rear end and legs, he stopped briefly to softly kiss the small of her back and her thighs. He ran his tongue along the creases of her body, along her backside and hips to the center of her back between her shoulders. Damn I am so fuckin’ turned on, she thought to herself enjoying her arousal.

Carl moved his hand between her thighs and felt her wetness. His fingers slipped between the labia and felt her pussy heat to his touch. When he kissed her back and the curve of her ass, Linda almost came. His mouth followed the crease of her ass, and she leaned face down into the coolness of her pillow as his head moved behind her. His finger poked deeper into her, making her squirm, and when his tongue reached the openin

g of her pussy she couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. He pulled his finger out and sucked on it like a lollipop. Grabbing her legs, he pulled to the edge of the bed and knelt on the floor. He nuzzled his nose to her ass and licked the length of her hot sex. The tip of his tongue swept across the opening. The juices from within her trickled down her inner thigh mixing with the saliva from his tender eating of her sanctuary.

The gentleness of his seduction became more intense from the taste of her. His deeper desires started taking over. His hard-on was aching to probe her and the taste of her sweet juices spurred an animalistic desire in him. Standing up behind her, he put a hand on her back and reached under her with the other one, lifting her up and plunged deeply into her wet cavern.

She could not believe how good it felt. The hard thickness of her man plunging into her with reckless abandon. The smacking sound of his stomach against her ass making her body shake. It had been so long and he felt so different than before.
