Page 15 of Dark Lust

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“No, it’s nothing like that. Uh, I’ve had a problem for the past two days. It seems that I’ve had a persistent erection. It…it doesn’t matter where or when, it’s just always that way. I think it’s called priapism. I’ve made an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow morning but I was wondering if you could give me any advice?”

I have a few questions. Please relax and answer them for me.

Sir, what do you look like?

“Hmm, this is awkward. I am about six-three, medium-build, I’d say around two hundred pounds or so. I have black hair and dark brown eyes. They’re almost black actually. I’m a furniture mover. “

Aha, okay. Since this is a sex-talk show, let me ask you this. How long is it?

“What? Do you mean IT?”

Why yes. I’m a professional and I just want to make sure I’m picturing things correctly before giving any advice. I’m sure our listeners are interested also. Right, ladies?

“Well. Let me grab a ruler real quick. Umm, about nine and a half inches from my abdomen to the tip. It’s a bit awkward because it just stays like this. I haven’t been able to lie on my stomach for two nights. Just on my back. It’s like sleeping in a pup tent. Sorry, stupid joke.”

Hmm, interesting. So you sort of look like George Clooney. Two days, huh? Damn, it’s getting warm in this studio. I think this case will have to have a little personal one-on-one therapy. Maybe some oils, a little massage… Deep, penetrating massage…uh…whew. Sorry, got a little flustered there.

Give my secretary your address and phone number and I’ll be right over after the show to do something with…I mean for…you.

Oh, hell, I’ll be right over. This is Laura getting…I mean signing…off for Love Talk.


The Animal Instinct

The evening was cool and the sky was deep blue, a colored vignette darkening as time went by on the long drive.

Joe glanced over to Jasmine sleeping in the passenger seat. She was so content and exhausted from the stress of work. They had decided to take a weekend retreat to the woods and spend some time in a cabin lent to them by their friend, Ron.

They’d had to work late, of course, and since Jasmine had an earlier start she was totally worn out from her day.

It was midnight when they arrived at the cabin and walked in to find it very quaint with a nice warm feel—perfect for a romantic weekend. No phones, no fax machines, no computers, no Internet access, and, to Joe’s dismay, no television for the playoff games.

Joe told Jasmine he’d get the bags, and fetched his one duffel bag along with the five suitcases Jasmine had packed. In typical male fashion, Joe was hungry—hungry for sex, and to release his pent-up carnal desires. It was, after all, what their weekend was about.

But when he walked into the bedroom nook where Jasmine had disappeared, Joe saw her cuddled up on the bed wearing his T-shirt and sleeping quietly. He didn’t have the heart to wake her.

He climbed into bed with her and held her tight, letting her snuggle against his warmth. He adjusted his hard-on so she wouldn’t get poked in the backside. They both slept in the quiet and darkened room, with the only light coming from the full moon rising behind the trees and shining through the windows.

* * * * *

A few hours later, Jasmine woke up, not sure for a minute where she was. Then she remembered.

She climbed out of bed and stood in the room, illuminated by the glowing moon now high in the sky. The light was breathtaking, and Jasmine stripped off Joe’s T-shirt to take a moonbeam bath. It cascaded over her features, from the curves of her breasts to the indention of the muscles in her legs. She stared into the night then went and opened the door to get a look at the lake glittering in the moonlight. The cool breeze blew against her naked flesh, chilling her. Her hair swayed and she breathed deeply, letting her chest arch forward and the tips of her nipples stand proudly away from her breasts.

The moon’s reflection was painted on the still lake and shimme

red slightly as the breeze raced across it. The wind carried a mist that splashed on Jasmine’s body.

Joe awoke and looked across the bed seeing her standing there, eyes closed, looking like an angel. The night air chilled the room and Joe decided to join her.

Tiptoeing across the cold floor, he looked out the door and saw the beautiful skyline. Then his eyes looked at Jasmine’s back. The silhouetted outline of her body was so sensual. The way her ass curved and the light showed through the small space between her legs accentuating the lips of her pussy and shimmering on her pubic hair.

“Isn’t it lovely, Joe?” she said quietly.

“You sure are, Jasmine,” he snickered back.

“I meant the night sky, you screwball.”
