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"So, Miss Mullins, having checked out your credentials, I can confirm that you appear to be most suitable for the job. Will you accept the position?"

"Which one? The one as your executive assistant or the one chained to your bed, Sir?" Emma asked and Shane groaned under his breath, as his cock hardened under her butt.

"Jesus, woman, you have no idea what a fucking turn-on that is when you call me that."

Emma blinked, feigning ignorance.

"What? Sir? That's what you mean, Sir?" She wriggled her ass for good measure and Shane grasped her hips to hold her still.

"Minx, behave. We've interrupted poor Susanna's cleaning routine enough as it is, so for the love of god, put me out of my misery, will you?"

Emma cocked her head to one sight, and pursed her lips as though she was thinking about her options. Shane's grip on her turned painful.

"Well, now, I think my answer is…"

She grinned at his tortured groan and shivered inside when he raised both eyebrows at her and glared at her.

"There's really only one answer I can give, considering I seem to have fallen in love with my boss."

Shane's grip on her lessened and he blew out a long breath and swore.

"Now, Miss Mullins, don't you know what a bad idea that is, falling for one's boss? Whatever will people say?"

Emma giggled and pulled his head down for a kiss.

"Who gives a shit? Though I guess that does make me the office hussy now, huh?"

"No, baby—that makes you my hussy, and my best takeover yet."

The End

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Doris O’Connor

Copyright © 2018

Sample Chapter

“The theme of the evening will be ‘Violence is never the answer’.” Hannah finished her presentation with as much flourish as she could muster, considering the stunned silence that made the room fall as silent as a morgue.
