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“You are too much. If I didn’t need this job, I’d hand in my freaking notice. You know what? Have it. This is not going to work out, is it? What’s so damn funny, Mr. Bryce?”

“Nothing at all. I was just thinking that I’ll gladly accept your resignation, because you certainly won’t be needing this job. My wife does not have to work.”

It was rather satisfying to see her lips move silently, and to hear her sharp intake of breath, as he rounded his desk, and one hand on her shoulder, pushed her down into the chair facing it.

“Sit down, Ms. Watson, before you fall down. Surely that idea is not that abhorrent? We know we’ll be compatible in the bedroom anyway, and it’s only for a limited amount of time until I gain full custody of Rhia. My solicitor is of the opinion that my single status would go against me in the hearings, and then there is the small matter of my ex-nanny and her boyfriend. He’s threatening to press charges, and as I refuse to be blackmailed by him, that will be another dark mark against me. Marrying a respectable young woman like you will negate all of that, especially with your history. My temper can’t be that bad, right, if you’re willing to marry me. We’ll have to pretend to be love’s young dream, of course, but the auction and all the gossip since will work in our favor there. I’ll simply pretend I fell in love at first sight and this was a whirlwind romance.” He paused, aware of how perfectly still Hannah had become. Were it not for her uneven breaths, and her pulse beating erratically at the base of her throat you’d have been forgiven to think she’d turned into a statue.

Logan frowned. This wasn’t going at all like he’d envisaged it in his mind. While he hadn’t expected her to fall at his feet, this non-response was odd.

“You’ll be handsomely reimbursed, of course. There are certain privileges with being Mrs. Logan Bryce.”

The resulting slap to his face packed punch. Fortunately, he managed to block the next one, as Hannah’s fury unleashed on him.

“How fucking dare you? I told you before I’m not for sale.”


Logan’s astonishment at her outburst would have been comical had she not been at the receiving end of this colossal joke. And it had to be a joke. He couldn’t really expect her to go along with this, could he?

“When did I ever say you were, Hannah? This is a simple business transaction. I need a wife. You’re single. We’re a good sexual match, so having to appear as though I can’t keep my hands off of you will not require a lot of acting. Here.” He took her hand and placed it firmly on his groin. His dick twitched at the contact, and he smirked at Hannah’s sharp intake of breath in reaction. “This is what you do to me. I can’t get you out of my freaking head, and I don’t want to. Not until this thing between us burns itself out, and it will. In the meantime, we can have some fun, and ensure Rhia gets to stay with me and not…”

Hannah yanked her hand out of his grasp, and Logan swore under his breath.

“Don’t make this about Rhia. Don’t you dare do that. Of course, she’s going to stay with you. Who else would step up? You’re family and—”

“Not the only one. Rhia’s grandparents are the Lord and Lady Franningham and outstanding pillars of society, if you ignore the fact that they’re cold-hearted snobs. If they got hold of Rhia, she’d be shipped off to boarding schools and ignored all her life like Claudia was. I’d hate to see the light in her eyes dimmed, because she’d had to conform, or be disowned like her mother was for taking up with the trash—that would be me, by the way.” He smiled grimly at her sharp intake of breath. “Not that we were ever anything more than friends, but I was a bad influence, of course. The tattooed biker from the wrong end of town. How dare I lay a finger on their precious daughter, right?”

Hannah smiled at this confirmation of her secret fantasies, and Logan stopped talking and frowned at her. Belatedly, she realized what he must be thinking and rushed to correct him.

“I’m not smiling at that. They were clearly asses, just the fact you owned a bike.” She didn’t continue, far too aware of the blush stealing into her cheeks.

“Meaning, little dove?” His voice dropped to that growly whisper which was a sure-fire signal for her hormones to do their come-to-mama-dance. She couldn’t hide her body’s involuntary shiver as the never far away sexual tension between them jumped to life like a spring released from its box.

“Nothing, nothing at all, and stop it.” Hannah pushed him back—when had he gotten so close?—and he perched his butt on the desk in front of her. When he crossed his arms over his chest and cocked that darn eyebrow, she simply melted inside.

Damn his arrogance and the effect he had on her.

“Need I remind you what happens to naughty little girls who don’t answer my questions?” He dropped his voice further to that deep, gravelly whisper which acted like a live wire straight to her libido.

“I’m not … you wouldn’t … we’re in the office, for God’s sake.”

Hannah was painfully aware that her protests came out far too feeble and porn star breathy like, but, jeez … if he kept this up she’d have to start carrying around spare knickers.

“I have just proposed to you, woman. Do you honestly think being at the office would stop me from putting you over my knee? I can do anything I damn well please with my fiancée.” He smirked at her sharp intake of breath. “Especially as the mere thought of my hand on your delicious butt makes you wet.”

Hannah opened her mouth to deny that ridiculous notion, and his smile grew all kinds of sinful.

“Deny it all you want, my sweet, but your body gives you away.” He reached across and flicked his fingers over one and then the other nipple, and Hannah gasped. Those traitorous little nubs hardened, strained against the confines of her bra, and she barely resisted the urge to squeeze her thighs together to relieve the ache in her pussy. Her internal muscles clenched under his mocking scrutiny, and if she got any wetter, he would be able to smell her arousal.

With as much dignity as she could manage, Hannah somehow managed to stand.

“I didn’t agree, Mr. Bryce, and tal

king to me like that at my workplace is akin to sexual harassment. I’m just going to go and pretend we never had this conversation.”

She got as far as opening the door, before he was on top of her. One hand on the door, he slammed it shut, and the other hand on her abdomen pulled her back into his large frame. His hot breath ghosted across the sensitive skin of her neck, and she swallowed a moan at the feel of his long, hard erection pressing against her back. She couldn’t move, could scarce breathe, because his mere presence overpowered her. Traces of the cologne he wore, yet clearly hadn’t applied this morning, mixed in with the virile essence of unkempt male. The predator under the guise of the gentleman, who she had no doubt would make good on his promise to spank her ass right here in the office and damn the consequences. That really shouldn’t be such a huge turn-on, and had he carried on like this, she may well have managed to resist him, but he nuzzled into her neck, and she could feel the tension in his body. The sheer desperation in which he held her, breathed against her skin, and rested his head against hers.

“Please, stay. I need you. We need you.”
