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“Are you okay? Have you … changed your mind?” Hannah voice hitched on that last part, and Logan shook his head. The concern in her blue eyes—genuine worry for him—worry that he didn’t deserve hit him in the chest with the full force of sledgehammer, and he shook his head again, more forcefully this time.

“Of course not, let’s get on with this.”

The registrar’s frown deepened, but one stare from Logan and he picked up where they’d left off and this time Logan’s voice rang out loud and clear.

Hannah’s responses were quieter, but no less sure as she pledged her life to him, and in no time at all the registrar announced them to be man and wife. Logan didn’t wait for permission to kiss his bride. Lifting the veil out of the way, he pulled his wife—Christ, I have a wife—flush into his body and slanted his lips over hers. Her surprised gasp gave him entry, and he poured all of his conflicting emotions into the kiss. One that grew evermore passionate as Hannah responded in kind, kissing him back with the same ferocity that thundered through his veins, the need to mark her as his, to claim her, until nobody would doubt that this woman was his. That this, here, the passion they shared, at least was real, unlike this pretense of a wedding born out of necessity. Logan ground his erection into her belly, and Hannah whimpered, drew even closer to him, as his hands found her ass through the layer of her wedding gown and he yanked her up higher to take the kiss even deeper.

Wolf whistles and the thunder of applause eventually broke through the cloud of pure lust and desire that held him in its grip, and he released his wife with a smirk. Her eyes fluttered open, she inhaled sharply, and her kiss-swollen lips broke into a tentative smile, as he looked up at him.

“We did it.”

He nodded at her whisper, and keeping his arms around her waist gave a mock bow at the assembled guests. More applause, a back slap from George, a hug from Sarah, and with Rhia attaching herself to his leg in the monkey hold she was so fond of, they signed the register to make this whole thing official.

The inevitable pictures took ages, and Logan’s jaw ached in tune with his rock-hard dick by the time they were finally finished. Being this close to Hannah, as the photographer made them pose in more and more revealing poses, was torture and bliss rolled into one, but eventually they were left on their own while the rest of the guests traipsed back up to the castle to start the celebrations.

The wind kicked up, and Hannah’s veil went flying off into the distance to be snared at the top of a tree, and she giggled.


“Whoops indeed, but I guess you won’t be needing that anymore, Mrs. Bryce.”

“I guess not.”

Hannah shivered as the wind picked up even more and the sun disappeared behind menacing clouds which rolled across the mountain range.

Logan scowled at the darkening sky, and tugged her along.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. Let me ask you something. How badly do you want to join the circus in there?” He gestured to the castle, where lights spilled out of the function room, and the music started up.

Hannah pulled a face, and he had his answer.

“Well, we’re expected to sit through all that, so we best—”

“Not go? Good, I thought you might say that. Give me a second.”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit George’s speed dial. The man answered on the third ring.

“Yo, Logan, what’s up? Hurry your asses in here. It’s gonna piss it down, and they’re waiting on you guys to bring the food out.”

Logan smiled at Hannah’s confused expression, and shook his head.

“Tell them to serve without us, and have fun. We won’t be coming. I have the sudden urge to start my honeymoon right now. Margaret has the details of where we’ll be. You and Sarah are still okay to look after Rhia, right?”

He ignored Hannah’s gasp, and George’s sharp intake of breath.

“Yes, of course we are, but you can’t just not turn up. Your guests—”

“Are only there for the free food and booze anyway, you know that. They’ll be fine. Put Rhia on the phone for me, will you?”

“What the fuck, sure, man, but is Hannah okay with this? I mean. Ow, what was that for, baby? Okay, here, Sarah wants to talk to you.”

Sure enough, there was rustling, as he handed the phone over, or more accurately had the phone wrenched from his hand if he knew his new sister-in-law, and then Sarah’s amused voice spoke in his ear.

“Might have guessed you’d pull a stunt like that. Give your new wife a kiss from me and don’t you worry about Rhia. It will be our pleasure to look after her.” Her lighthearted giggle made him grin, especially as Hannah’s frown deepened, and she held her hand out for the phone. He shook his head and hit the loudspeaker button instead.

“You’re on speaker now, Sarah. Tell your sister not to worry. She looks ready to argue with me, and she should know what happens to her when she does that.” He raised his eyebrows, and Hannah closed her eyes and shook her head.

“Logan, seriously. Ignore my impossible husband, Sarah.”

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