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“Please, I need, God, you’re killing me.”

A dark chuckle was her only response, and he pulled all the way out, leaving her hanging.

“Please, Sir.”

“Hush now, my sweet. We’re doing this my way.” He looked down as he pushed back in with a grunt. “So good. Seeing your greedy little pussy swallow my cock is such a turn-on. Knowing that you can’t do anything but take me, and let me set the pace.”

He flicked a glance up her body, and Hannah lost herself in the intensity of his gaze. On and on he pushed her driving her crazy with the slow coupling, as the pressure built to unbearable levels.

“Please, I need to … please.”

Logan’s face contorted, and she knew the exact moment it became too much for him, too, because he clenched his jaw, set his thumb on her clit, and growled.

“Then come for me now, baby.” His hips flexed, and she flew over that edge with him as he increased his speed, stiffened and kept himself buried deep inside of her. Heat bathed her insides, and Hannah gave herself up to the sheer force of an orgasm that didn’t seem to want to end.

When she finally stopped trembling and gasping for air, she was free of the ropes, and Logan was slowly removing her stockings. How odd that she had forgotten all about those.

“There you are, my sweet, up you come now. Your bath awaits.” Sure enough, when he helped her off the bed it was to find the bathtub filled with steaming bubbles. Hannah wasn’t at all sure her wobbly legs would support her, but she needn’t have worried, because Logan stepped into the bath with her. The water sloshed over the side, soaking the bath mat on the floor, and Hannah winced as the water made contact with her sore nether regions.

She tried to wriggle away, but with his legs either side of hers, she couldn’t, so she gave in and leaned back against his broad chest.

“That’s my girl. You relax now and let me take care of you.” He picked up a sponge from the side of the bath and ran it up and down her arm. Hannah pulled in a sharp breath when she noticed the crisscross pattern the ropes had left behind on her skin, and Logan’s hand froze.

“Do you mind?” he asked. She heard the concern in his voice loud and clear, and felt the sudden tension in the big body surrounding her.

“Not at all, they’re beautiful.” She twisted slightly to enable her to see him, and the approval in his silent eyes gave her a warm glow inside. Especially when he kissed her nose.

“You’re beautiful, Mrs. Bryce.” His voice sounded odd, as though he held in his emotions, and Hannah sighed in happiness and turned back round again.

“If you say so, Mr. Bryce.”

Logan growled his annoyance, and she laughed. They stayed in the tub until the water ran cold. Hannah shooed him away to get dressed, and a laughing Logan disappeared downstairs to rustle them up some food.

Having donned one of the sheer nightgowns and matching robe she’d purchased specifically for her honeymoon, Hannah, too, made her way back down the narrow staircase. She could hardly believe her eyes when she stepped into the living room. A roaring fire was lit, and Logan had arranged what looked like an indoor picnic in front of it. A very upscale picnic to be sure, with a bottle of champagne cooling in ice, and a selection of mouth-watering cold and hot dishes.

“How on earth?” She gestured to the goodies on the plush rug and sank onto one the cushions Logan had thrown on the floor.

He passed her a flute of champagne, clinked his glass to hers, and shrugged.

“I could pretend I’m a whizz in the kitchen, but that would be a lie. Suffice to say the housekeeper left those for us in the fridge, and there’s plenty more delights in the freezer. We don’t have to set foot outside at all unless we want to.”

“Oh.” His earlier words of keeping her naked all week flooded back into her conscience and heated her cheeks.

“Yes, oh. You should know by now that I mean what I say.” Logan fixed her with one those looks. Dark, intense, and promising a myriad of sinful delights to come. She took a long swallow of her champagne, and Logan barked a short laugh. “You’ll enjoy them I promise, and I shall not insist on keeping you naked, if you wear delightful clothing like this.”

He skimmed his knuckles over nipples which hardened immediately and tried their best to poke holes through the sheer fabric.

“Now eat, the night is young, and I have every intention to make love to you again right here in front of the fire.”

And that was exactly what they did. It set the standard for the rest of their honeymoon. As Hannah woke up on the last day of their stay at their tower, she left a softly snoring Logan in the bed. She made her way to the kitchen and smiled to herself, as she passed all the various places they’d made love over the last fortnight. Logan had proven himself to be an inventive, passionate, and generous lover. While dominant in the bedroom he let her take the lead in other things, namely the excursions outside of the tower. From bike rides to hikes around the countryside, and a shopping trip to Edinburgh they’d done it all. They’d bought some truly Scottish mementos in Edinburgh to bring home to Rhia, Sarah, and George. A little kilted doll for Rhia. Shortbread, toffee, and a tartan shawl for Sarah, and a dram of whisky and more haggis then he’d ever be able to eat for George.

Just like they’d promised FaceTiming with Rhia every night had become a daily ritual. Seeing the easy interaction between Logan and his niece, and how much the little girl seemed to be coming out of her shell, had made Hannah fall a little more in love with the wee bairn, as they said over here, and her impossible uncle, too.

Hang on, what?

No, no, no, that wasn’t part of the plan. She couldn’t have fallen in love with her husband, could she?
