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“Like I had a choice?”

She giggled and held her drink up. “Touché. I’m your best friend. I wasn’t going to let you stay at home and sulk over whatever you are still sulking over. What kind of friend does that? Now, where’s your drink?”

“I’ll get one. I’m not ready yet.”

I covered myself with sun lotion and took my time rubbing it in before laying back. I still had my cover-up on for fear of too much sun on the baby. I didn’t know all the rules yet, and maybe I was being overly cautious, but I didn’t care.

I closed my eyes and listened to everyone around me.

Mia interrupted my thoughts of the baby. “Some of the guys are going to the other side of the reefs to do some scuba diving. Wanna go?”

“Sure. That sounds fun. Is the water warm enough to dive down to the reefs?”

“They said it is. They have extra suits if we need them. It’s worth the walk anyway. There are a bunch of people over there already.”

Mia grabbed an extra drink, and we motioned for Camilla to join us.

“I’m going to stay and play some more,” she yelled back while secretly pointed to one of the other players who looked damned good shirtless.

Mia’s mouth dropped open, and she giggled. “Let me know how it is.”

“She’s hopeless,” I said, shaking my head.

“Agreed. Come on. Let’s get over there,” Mia grabbed my hand, and we ran along the shoreline until we reached the reefs. There were more people on the beach there than there were at the other one.

I took a sip of my drink and looked around. Mia gasped, and I snapped my head to her. She quickly looked at me with wide eyes grabbing my hand.


“Nothing,” she blurted. “I’m just excited to scuba dive.”

“You’re acting weird. What gives?”

“Come on,” she jerked me in her direction and led me to the edge of a rock where some of the guys were jumping off into the water with scuba suits on.

“What is it with you?” I asked, fumbling along behind her. “You haven’t left my side from the moment we got here.”

“I just want to have fun with you. Is that a crime?”

“I’m beginning to think it should be.”

“You’ll be going back to work when school starts,” she said, barely looking at me. “This might be our last big party together.”

“I’m going back to work, not going off to war,” I turned to look behind me since that was where she seemed to give all of her attention, but she pulled me forward when I tried.

“Come on.”

I gave up trying to figure her out and chalked it up to lust for some guy — or girl in her case — in the crowd. We stood on top of the large rock and looked down into the deep blue water. I pretended to be interested in what was going on below all the while keeping my eye on Mia.

She kept looking behind us as if she was trying to keep an eye on someone. Then my curiosity got the best of me.

“Mia? Are you scoping someone out?” I turned and looked at a group of people.

She sighed and took my hand. “No, but you should be,” her voice calm, and she looked at me almost with a sympathetic look. She pulled me off the rock and to the crowd. When we got our feet into the sand, I yanked my hand back and stared at her.

“What is wrong with you?” I demanded.

“I’m trying to show you.”

“No. Just tell me. First, you want me to go scuba diving, then you try to pull me away. You haven’t left my side all day. Are you feeling okay?”

“I wanted to be sure before I showed you. Just come with me. It will all make sense in just a few moments.” She grabbed my hand again and led me in the same direction.

“What will make sense?”

We walked up to the group of people, and she nudged a couple of them out of the way. “Excuse me,” she said. “We need to get in here.”

“Mia,” I whispered sharply. “What are you doing?”

She pulled me around from behind her and pushed me to the middle until I was face to face with Devlin. The chatter died down, and he looked at me with wide eyes.

I could only stare back.

“Naomi? What are you doing here?” He was as surprised to see me as I was of him.

How was this possible? He was supposed to be at least five states away. Fear struck me, and I froze. When I managed to move, I looked at Mia and the big grin on her face. She quickly lost the grin and looked pissed.

“Mia? What the hell?” I whispered.

She leaned into me, her mouth close to my ear, and she whispered to me. “I know your secret, Naomi. Don’t keep it from him like you kept it from me.” She stood up straight and glared at me.
