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Chapter One

Aria stepped into the large ballroom where the welcoming party to the luxury resort was in full swing. As she glanced around at the women in glittering evening gowns and the men in well-tailored tuxes, she felt vastly out of place. She’d worn her favorite power suit, tailored and smart, but not glamorous. She tugged at the hem of her trim jacket, then adjusted the waist. Why had she even bothered to come?

A tall, tuxedo-clad man brushed past her, and she almost gasped at the thrill of anticipation that rushed through her.

Oh, yeah. That’s why.

Ever since the phone call informing her she’d won this all-inclusive vacation at the Bonavista Resort, all her thoughts had been on the gorgeous, available men she would meet, which was unlike her. With her project deadline looming at the end of next month, she should have turned down the trip.

A black-haired giant of a man, whose broad smile revealed glistening white teeth, nodded as he passed her, a glint in his eye. Her insides quivered and her breasts felt strangled inside the confines of her black linen jacket. Good heavens, she’d never felt so…needy. She’d been waking up every morning from steamy, passion-filled dreams, her body slick with sweat, wanting…needing a real, live man.

A young woman carrying a clipboard approached Aria, a welcoming smile on her face.

“Hello. Are you Aria Jenkins?”

“Yes, I am.”

The woman consulted her list. She returned her gaze to Aria and smiled. “Follow me, please.”

A passing waitress stopped to offer Aria a red drink in a tall-stemmed, crystal glass from the dozen she carried on a round tray.

Aria accepted it, nodding her thanks, then followed the hostess across the room to a table with four women and one empty chair.

“This is where you’ll be sitting this evening. Please help yourself to drinks and appetizers, and someone will come and get you for the orientation in about twenty minutes.”

Aria nodded her thanks and sank into the empty chair.

“Hi. My name’s Eva.” The brunette on her left offered her hand. Aria shook it, aware that her own hand was cold in comparison. Eva wore the typical little black dress, the wrap-around style accentuating her full breasts and trim waist. A simple string of pearls adorned her neck.

“Hi. I’m Aria.”

“This is Jenna, Kate and Crystal.” Eva introduced the women clockwise around the table.

They all smiled and nodded. Each wore an evening gown.

“I feel a little out of place.” Aria fiddled with the clip holding her dark blonde hair in a twist at the back of her head. “I should have worn something else.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Eva said. “You look great.”


“This is so exciting!” Kate, the young woman across the table from Aria, pushed her long, auburn hair behind her ear, her green eyes glittering with enthusiasm. “I wonder what they have planned for us?”

Aria sipped the drink she still held in her hand. Sweet and fruity. She sipped again.

“I don’t know, but I hope there are men involved.” Crystal, the tall blonde on Aria’s right, settled a lascivious gaze on the hard, muscular butts of three guys, gorgeous and in their early twenties, as they passed by.

Aria’s gaze followed and she felt the heat creep through her again. She took another sip of her drink, then realized she’d already finished half of it and set it firmly on the table. It would be far too easy to consume too much of the sweet, alcoholic beverage.

“There certainly are a lot of good-looking men here,” said Kate.

“And women.” Jenna, a woman with a sweet smile and short feathery black hair, glanced up as a pair of blonde women in low-cut gowns passed by. Their generous, round breasts practically bounced out of their dresses.

“Don’t worry about those two, honey. They’ve got lots out here…” Crystal indicated her chest, then waved her hand by her head. “But not much up here. Not like you.” She laid her hand on Jenna’s. “You’ve got brains and looks. In fact, you’re way better looking than most of the women here.”

Jenna smiled at her, but tucked her hand under the table as soon as Crystal drew hers away. Aria certainly agreed with Crystal. Jenna, with her wide eyes, high cheekbones and flawless complexion, was a stunner. In fact, all the women at the table were beautiful. Aria tugged at her jacket self-consciously. Why the heck had she been seated here?

Crystal locked gazes with a man two tables over and sent him a seductive smile. “With all these sexy hunks to choose from, I plan to get laid every night by a different man.” She winked. “Or two.”

A waitress stopped beside the table. “More drinks, ladies?”

Aria realized her fingers had curled around the stem of the glass again and she’d emptied it. She released it so the waitress could take it away, then tried to ignore the new drink placed in front of her.

“And here comes contestant number one,” Crystal purred.

Aria glanced in the direction of the other woman’s gaz
