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“Well, that’s between you and Tai.” He shrugged. “I assume you’ll marry and live happily ever after, but I can’t speak for my brother.”

Tai’s arms tightened around her. “I’m never going to let you go. I want to marry you. But I’ll give you time to—”

She twirled around and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes!” She didn’t need time; she needed him. Her lips crashed against his in a spine-tingling kiss. His hands stroked up and down her back and she moaned in pleasure.

“Ahem. I’m still here, you know?”

Tai relaxed his hold on her and she slumped onto her back. She gazed up at Tai, then at his brother. My God, looking at the two striking men, both wearing the face of the man she loved sent her head into a spin. What would it be like to kiss two of him? What would it be like to be held by two of him, one in front and one behind? What would it be like to make love to two of him at the same time?

Heat flooded through her. Shocked at her thoughts, she lowered her eyelids, her cheeks burning.

Tai and Zander exchanged glances. Tai smiled and nodded.

“Tai, may I kiss the bride-to-be?” Zander asked.

“Aria?” Tai asked.

A delicious tingle danced up her spine at the thought of being kissed by Tai’s twin. “Well, I guess…”

She sat up, keeping the sheet securely wrapped around herself, and Zander’s hand settled on her shoulder. Warmth spread through her, radiating from his touch. He leaned forward slowly, ninety percent of the way, then held, waiting for her. She closed the remaining distance, watching his glimmering silver eyes.

When their lips touched, lightly and with tenderness, she melted. Awareness zinged through her. A deep, strong, emotional well opened within her.

This was the same feeling she had with Tai. Except, stronger. Intensely stronger.

She became lost in his lips, drawn into a depth of feeling that surpassed comprehension. Her mouth blossomed, her lips shimmered in delicious, tingling need. Her body quivered in excitement, yearning for his lips to explore every inch of her.

The feeling was so powerful she recoiled at the intensity.

As his lips parted from hers, thoughts sparked through her brain like lightning.


How could she have made such a disastrous mistake? She had convinced Tai she was meant to be his when in truth she was meant to be Zander’s after all.

“Yes, I feel it too.” His words reached her in a barely audible whisper, one she was certain Tai could not hear.

So it was true. Her teeth tugged at her lower lip.

No matter what, she would never betray Tai. She knew what it was like to be abandoned by someone who claimed to love her and she would never do that to someone else. Especially Tai, the man who had risked so much to be with her. She couldn’t hurt him like that. But as she stared into Zander’s intent, silver eyes, her heart ached as she realized she had betrayed him. By choosing to stay with Tai, she condemned Zander to life without his one true soul-mate. How would he cope with the rejection?

Goose bumps quivered up her arms as she realized he might not give her a choice. As king, he could command her to do whatever he wished.

He nuzzled her ear, murmuring quietly, “Don’t worry, my love. Everything will work out fine.”

She wished she could believe him. Before she could dwell on it, his lips swooped down on hers again and thought dwindled.

He stroked her cheek as he released her lips, holding her gaze as he spoke to his brother.

“Tai, I think your beloved is curious about what it would be like to experience us both in her bed.”

She trembled at his words.

“Really?” Tai’s smile brightened.

“What do you think, brother?”

Tai stroked her lower back under the covers, sending tingles up her spine. “I think it is quite an exciting prospect.”
