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“I’m trying to tell you that she is our tanash’ae.”

“Ours?” Tai looked a little stunned, then slowly a smile spread across his lips.

“Wait a minute, guys. Are you saying I’m supposed to marry both of you?”

“Do you have a problem with that, Aria?” Tai asked.

She remembered their two cocks thrusting into her, and the orgasm to end all orgasms.

“Uh, I don’t know.”

“Aria, kiss Tai,” Zander commanded in a soft voice.

She glanced at Zander in surprise. Tai reached for her hand and drew her to her feet. His lips compressed hers and a tingling spiral of heat swirled through her. Intense. Overwhelming. Just like her first kiss with Zander.

She planted her hands flat on his chest and pushed away from him.

“You’re really Zander, aren’t you?” she accused, glaring at the man who’d just kissed her.

She turned her glare on the man sitting on the bed next, but he shook his head.

“No, I’m Zander.” He stood and took her hand, drawing her to him. He meshed his mouth with hers and the same intense heat thrummed through her.

He drew back, leaving her breathless. “You see?”

“Maybe you’d better explain it,” she suggested, her head spinning.

“It’s like we complete a circuit. We are both meant to be with you. The connection you felt with Tai at first was only half what was possible. When you connected with me, the circuit became complete.”

“So my link isn’t stronger to you than Tai.”

“That’s right. Either one of us will make you feel the same, powerful feelings,” Tai answered. He stroked her shoulders. “But, Aria, it will never be as good with one of us as it will be with both.”

“What are you saying?” Her brain seemed incapable of putting

the pieces together on her own.

“I’m saying we are a threesome. We are meant to be together. All of us.”

“And, Tai,” Zander added, “you and I are meant to rule together. That’s always been true, but we couldn’t make it a reality until you found your own voice. Aria helped you do that. Now, if you wish, you can both join me on the throne.”

“It’ll be a tight fit, won’t it?” Aria quipped.

The men sandwiched her between them, one pressing against each side of her.

“It can be as tight a fit as you’d like,” Tai rumbled in her ear.

She remembered his cock expanding inside her. “Mmm. I like it pretty tight.”

“What do you say, Aria?” Zander whispered in her other ear. “Will you be my queen?”

“And mine?” Tai echoed.

She grasped Zander’s growing cock and slid her hand under Tai’s towel, her fingers wrapping around his erection, too. She drew them back to the bed, then flung away her sheet and stretched out naked on the bed. “I think I could probably be persuaded.”

She might be leaving behind her townhouse, but it was just a building. Home was where these two men were. Because she loved them.

And they loved her. Joy fluttered through her at the thought.
