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Both men prowled onto the bed and licked a path up to her nipples. As their mouths covered her erect nubs, she thrilled at the way her life had turned around. From unwanted to loved and cherished by two men. The most powerful men on the planet.

Tai and Zander stroked between her legs. A hot tongue licked her clit while firm, strong fingers slipped inside her.

Yes, indeed. She was glad she had decided to come—she groaned—to the resort.

A brief thought about the other women and how they were doing meandered through her brain, until a long, hard cock slipped between her legs, making thought impossible.

Another cock slipped into her tight anus. Intense pleasure spiked through her. Both men thrust into her. Once. Twice. Again. And again. At the fifth stroke she screamed in agonizing pleasure, followed by first one male groan, then another. Filling her with pleasure. Filling her with love.

She sighed and collapsed on the bed, a broad smile claiming her face.

Her life had become a fairy tale come true. With two Prince Charmings.

Or, rather, two charming kings.

About the Author

Opal Carew writes erotic romance. She was named “Fresh Face of Erotic Fiction 2009” and her books have won the Award of Excellence and the Golden Leaf Award, and been finalists for the National Readers' Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Laurel Wreath Award, and Passionate Plume Award.

Opal loves crystals, dragons, feathers, cats, pink hair, the occult, Manga artwork, and all that glitters. She earned a degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and spent fifteen years as a software analyst before turning to her passions as a writer. She lives in Canada with her husband, two sons and two cats.

To learn more about Opal, visit her website at, or contact her at [email protected]

Look for these titles by Opal Carew

Coming Soon:

Celestial Soul-Mates: The Commander’s Woman

Resisting two magical mischief makers definitely wasn’t in the job description.

Vanessa Unveiled

© 2011 Jodi Redford

Vanessa Darby, a bounty hunter and tracker for the Veil Alliance League, figures things can’t get any crappier than her car breaking down on a deserted highway. Until the two dimension-hopping renegades she’s been assigned to capture lure her to their magical love nest in the woods and entangle her in a web of seduction.

How the hell is she supposed to resist a pair of gorgeous male pookas who possess a wicked talent for bringing the sexy?

Rand and Braeden have searched more than three centuries for their one true bond mate. Now that Vanessa’s been dropped into their arms, they have no intention of giving her up. Even if it means agreeing to her terms: If they can’t persuade her within forty-eight hours that the three of them belong together, they’ll give themselves over to the authorities. But convincing a woman who doesn’t believe in love, or the concept of forever, is no easy feat. Particularly with one doozy of a dirty secret from their past waiting to trip them up.

Warning: Two

hotter-than-should-be-legal pookas sexin’ it up with each other and the stubborn woman they love. One magical hotel in the woods that isn’t exactly what it seems. And a unicorn who will forever tarnish the image of the species.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Vanessa Unveiled:

She stepped back into the bedroom just as Rand was shrugging from his shirt. Her breath lodged in her throat. All annoyances aside, he was simply beautiful to behold. His sculpted shoulders were powerful, delineated with sleek muscle tone. A series of intricate symbols inked the right side of his breastbone, drawing attention to his firm pectorals. Like Braeden, his torso was hairless except for the sprinkling of dark hair that traversed his chiseled abs and disappeared beneath the waistband of his charcoal trousers.

He turned toward her, his well-defined stomach muscles flexing. “Is the bath to your liking?”

Despite her best intentions, she couldn’t stop ogling his chest. She imagined licking over those delicious curves and hollows. Imagined sucking the hard nubs of his masculine nipples against the roof of her mouth. An intense throb leapt in her clit. She swallowed, corking her whimper. “Y-yes. It’s fine.”

Disappointment shadowed his expression. For some weird reason, guilt over her less than gushing response settled in the pit of her belly. “No, that’s not true.”

Rand’s face fell another fraction. “You don’t like it?”

“Actually, it’s amazing.” She sighed. “I could easily spend the next forty-eight hours just soaking in that pool.”
