Page 50 of Coach Me

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“All right, everyone,” I said. “Our travel plans for the game next weekend are finalized. You’ll be receiving an email with the itinerary and details shortly. I expect you to spend this week resting up, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep. So, no drinking during practice.”

The girls laughed.

“Are you excited?” I asked.

“Oh hell yeah!” Sharon-Ann cried out. Look, I was starting to get better with names! Finally.

The other players chorused their agreement, and I smiled, allowing myself, just once to make eye contact with Catya, a suggestive gaze that flickered with sexual energy.

This game was going to be fun — I could just feel it.

Chapter 21


You know what was hard?

Sleeping with a gorgeous man who you also really like, and who you’re pretty sure you want to be with, and then being absolutely unable to do anything about it besides make eyes at him when nobody’s looking.

And that was about how the rest of my week played out.

Practice was all about the upcoming game, and Simon and I were laser focused. I was glad we were committed to winning, but I also desperately wanted to fuck his brains out once more. My logical side prevailed, and there was no fucking.

Though I was emotionally hungry, I was at my physical peak. All the girls were, actually. We were in great shape for the game, and the mood at practice throughout the week was confident exuberance. Simon warned us not to get cocky, but his face betrayed that he shared a similar assuredness in our victory.

All that whining aside, the lack of opportunity for me to see Simon over the week just served to make me more stoked for the weekend. Surely we could sneak in some time then, right? We’d be staying in the same place, for once. I wouldn’t have to walk across campus to his place and risk getting caught. He couldn’t even come to my room, either, for that matter — men weren’t allowed inside a sorority house because of some ancient, ridiculous rules.

Plus, there was Grace. I’d told her about sleeping with Simon on Friday night, of that I was sure, and she hadn’t mentioned it at all. Of course, I was grateful for her discretion, but even when we were alone in our room, she didn’t bring it up. That was out of character for her. Grace would talk about anything and everything, but especially salacious gossip. And this was the gossip of the century.

I set my concerns aside, and concentrated on staying excited for the weekend. The possibilities were endless, and Simon featured prominently in each and every fantasy.

So while Grace and I were packing our suitcases across the room from one another, I reached into my drawers and sneakily pulled out a few sexy things that she’d persuaded me to buy. It made me fleetingly sad that I couldn’t tell her about my plans to use them.

Into the suitcase went a red bra and matching panties, a corset, garters, stockings — a whole get up. I threw all my training clothes atop the sexy underwear, lest anyway see the treasure trove and start asking questions.

Later that same day, we walked to the gym, bags in hand, and met the rest of the girls in front of where the bus was supposed to pick us up.

“Are you excited?” Tanya asked me as we greeted the gang.

“Of course,” I told her, but thought to myself, not for the reasons you’re thinking.

Rose piped up with, “We’re gonna, like, totally crush them.”

I smiled at her enthusiasm. This seemed like as good a time as any for a team cheer.

“Hey ladies,” I called out. The team turned around to face me, slightly confused, mostly intrigued. Once I had their attention, I said, “Who are we?”

They grinned and screamed, “ULA!”

“What do we do?”


I did the call and response a couple of times until we were all jumping up and down, excited for the next few days, ready to get out on the field and own the competition.

It was at that moment Simon arrived, and looking around at our spirit, asked with amusement, “You aren’t drunk, are you?”

We laughed, and he shook his head, saying, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. It’s great to see you all fired up.”

Max offered, “Catya led us in a cheer.”

Simon turned to me and quietly said, “Oh, did you now?”

I grinned, and before I got a chance to reply, he announced, “All right, everybody, throw your bags in the below deck storage and then board the bus.”

They followed his orders promptly. Tacit obedience had become a much bigger thing after they’d all gotten their various silly pranks out of the way. I suspected that, because Simon had weathered them so well, everybody had gained more respect for him, which made me happy.

While they boarded the bus single file, Simon wrapped a hand around my upper arm, and I shivered. It was the most contact we’d had since the forest.
