Page 53 of Coach Me

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We’d all spent the bulk of the day with the team, doing pretty much what Simon advised — a light workout, then lots of food. In between those two activities, we just shot the shit.

But now it was eight, and the four of us had decided it was time to start getting ready for bed. We’d leave for the game tomorrow at six in the morning.

Well, they’d decided it was bedtime. My night was just getting started.

“It’s your turn to use the bathroom,” Sharon-Ann called out to me. Perfect.

I snatched some of the lingerie out of my bag and slipped it into the folds of my hotel robe. Not all hotels gave us robes, so this was a special treat. Going into the bathroom, I immediately locked the door, shucked the robe and began the process of putting on the silky bits.

Did that go here? Or did it go there? And what was this buckle for? Was that supposed to do this, or that?

I didn’t have much time before they realized something was up, so I hastened my pace until suddenly it was all on and at least superficially secure.

I turned to look at myself in the mirror, and was momentarily stunned.

Is that me? I wondered.

Because the woman looking back was a firecracker. I’d put on a deep red, silk demi-cup bra that had black-lace scalloping around the edges, and red underwear so small it seemed almost inaccurate to call it underwear. Around my waist was wrapped a matching garter belt that stood in gorgeous contrast to the abrupt curve of my larger hips. To finish it off, I rolled the stockings up my legs, letting their lovely fabric embrace my flesh. Using a trick Grace had taught me when we first purchased the goodies — I thought of her now with a pang, and how much she’d enjoy this moment — I hooked the stockings into the garters.

For maybe the first time in my life, I knew without a doubt that I was sexy. Not some little girl playing at sexuality, but really, undeniably hot.

The outfit was only missing one thing — heels. Which I’d left in the bedroom.

Sighing, I put the robe back on, opened the bathroom door and entered the room. Here’s hoping they didn’t notice the sheer black tights under my robe. I wasn’t sure how I could possibly explain that away.

“Hey Riri,” I said to the other girl, who was lounging in bed. “You can use the bathroom now.”

She hopped out of the sheets, saying, “Great, thanks,” and scurrying off.

Grace and Sharon-Ann were also tucked in bed, playing on their computers and not doing much of anything. Grace and I were sharing a bed, like usual, and she yawned sleepily and asked me:

“Are you coming to bed?”

I shook my head a little too much, and replied, “I have to go downstairs to the hotel shop and get tampons.”

She said, “Oh, don’t bother, I have some.”

“I need the special kind. Thanks, though,” I replied.

The flicker in Grace’s eyes told me she knew something was up. “What special kind?” she asked. “You don’t use a special kind.”

“It’s a really heavy flow today,” I explained, the lie almost getting stuck between my teeth. It was almost physically painful to lie to Grace, my closest friend.

Her eyes were sad, but her tone was cheery as she accepted my obvious fabrication. “Okay,” Grace replied. “Have fun!”

I wanted to apologize, to say I’m sorry, to tell her everything — but instead, I subtly grabbed my heels from my bag, tucked them into the pockets of the robe, and slipped out into the hall.

And was immediately confronted by Beth, who was also in the hallway.

“Hi,” she twittered. “What’s up?”

“Oh nothing,” I said, and repeated the lie I’d told Grace, “just going to get some tampons.”

She looked at my feet and asked, “In stockings?”

Fuck. How was I going to worm my way out of this one?

“Uh, yeah. They’re good for… circulation.”

Beth, not the brightest of the bunch, looked at me with surprise and exclaimed, “Wow, that’s so cool! I guess you learned that being pre-med, huh?”

Oh man, was I about to tell her a lie that would literally change her already minimal understanding of anatomy?

Guess so, because I responded, “Yup, sure did.”

She smiled guilelessly and bid me good night. Jeez, close call.

My heart pounding, I screwed my courage to the sticking place and continued to make my way down the hall, counting the numbers on the door as I looked for Simon’s room, and silently cursing myself for not locating it earlier in the day, when it would’ve been less conspicuous.

At last, I found his room. I was just about to pull my heels out of my robe when a voice behind me said:

“Why are you at Simon’s door?”

I pivoted around and saw Neidin, her head peeking out of her own room. She looked confused, but not suspicious.
