Page 67 of Coach Me

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He nodded thoughtfully, and after a long moment, replied, “So you really love this girl, huh?”

“Yes, sir.”

“It takes guts to tell me yourself,” he replied. “Even if you are just trying to get ahead of the story.”

“I’m trying to get ahead of the story, yes, but more importantly, I’d like to tender my resignation.”

David, who had been lazily leaning back in his desk chair the whole time, suddenly sat up straight.

“You what?” he replied, incredulous.

“I’m quitting,” I said, being sure to use smaller words, in case that was where the confusion was arising.


“Yes.” Not the brightest bulb, was he?

“Simon, kid, that doesn’t make sense.”

I shook my head. “It does.”

“You should at least stay on for the rest of the season.”

“Sir,” I replied. “I know from my orientation that this raises some serious Title IX issues, and could impact the rest of the girls’ season in any variety of ways. I care more that they have a successful season than—”

“Than that you have a job?”

“Well, yes.”

David seemed remarkably unfazed by my mention of Title IX. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. Old guys like him were practically the reason Title IX was created. There was no reason to be taken aback by his casual disregard for it.

On the one hand, I was glad that David seemed to be relatively on my side, but on the other, these laws existed for good reason, and it was a touch discouraging to hear him ignore them so. But I didn’t question it further. I didn’t want to raise my more pressing reason for quitting — that I was concerned my continued employment might put Catya’s scholarship in jeopardy. I thought that, if I even brought up that point with David, he might unfortunately take it and run with it, and Catya would once again have to face the blowback of my actions. So I kept quiet and sat on the truth.

He leaned back in his chair once more, and said, “I’m hearing you, and I admire your chutzpah. Takes balls to do this, to quit your job for the gal you love. Now, do I wish that girl wasn’t a player at my institution, where your romantic involvement with her could screw over an entire team? Sure. But I respect you for walking in here and telling me yourself. That’s worth something in my book.”

“Thanks, sir,” I said, not sure what to make of his response.

“Simon, you gotta sleep on this for a few days.”

“With all due respect, if I sleep on it, I might change my mind. But I know this is the right thing to do so I’m doing it now, before I can chicken out.”

His face flashed with admiration. “Don’t you wanna stay in the country?”

“Yes, in a perfect world.”

“So you’re willing to risk your immigration status for this girl, for Catya?”

My heart pounded, but I had to give him the truth. “Yes.”


“Because she’s worth it. From here, from England, from anywhere in the world — she’s worth it. All that matters to me now… well, it’s not even being with her. It’s making sure that she’s able to be happy. That’s all I want for her. It might sound a bit naïve, but I guess love makes you young, right?”

There was a long pause, which David at last broke, saying, “You’re a good man. Shame we gotta lose you over this one.”

“I know, sir, and I’m sorry about it. I didn’t mean to disrespect the job, it’s just that nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and I knew that it was special enough to be worth seizing.”

“Carpe diem,” he pronounced. “Well, all right then. You sound like you’re pretty set on this one, correct?”

It took all my willpower to nod. Yes, I was set on it, but that didn’t mean quitting my dream job was an easy task.

“Yes,” I said. “I’m set on it.” I pushed back my chair and began to stand. I knew if I was in here for any more time, I might change my mind. What? Being noble didn’t have to be easy. In fact, it was better if it wasn’t.

David returned, “Okay. In that case, I’ll get our team to draw up the necessary paperwork and then you can be on your way. Sounds go—”

Without warning, there was a loud noise, like some kind of rumbling outside the office. David and I whipped our heads around to see what was going on, just in time to catch the door swing open.

I stammered out, “Catya?”

Chapter 28


Moments after I read Simon’s text, I had an idea. A good idea.

See, his message, besides putting in words his love for me, also included a precise description from Simon about what, exactly, he was about to do. He announced that he was going right to David’s office, to quit on the spot and that if he was forbidden from campus or something like that, I needed to watch after the team. He went on to say that I shouldn’t try to stop him or do anything reckless.
