Page 24 of Slaves of Love

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Shena had been sold to the slavers?

He approached the judge and reached for the photograph. The judge handed it to him, and he stared at the image of Shena, wearing a plain white gown, a circle branded into the soft, pale flesh of her inner arm, visible as she held a newspaper. The article she read was about her father’s attack on Keern’s family.

A slaver ship had left yesterday. That was probably the one she’d been on. His stomach twisted. Protective urges swarmed through him at the thought of the slavers touching her, pushing their devices into her, at the pain she would have felt when she’d been branded, but he slammed back those urges. That witch had been the cause of Will’s death and she deserved every foul experience fate seemed eager to give her.

As a virgin, she would not suffer a great deal on the way to the slave market, but she would be trained. That would not be pleasant. No, where she would truly receive her just punishment for her treachery would be at the hands of her master.

If only he could be the one to administer that punishment.

* * * * *

Keern pulled his pack from the back of the wagon.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Keern?” Jacob asked. “You know we could really use your help, with Will gone and all.”

“I have to do this. Jordan is more than ready to take over the household.”

“Well, if I can’t talk you out of leaving, can I accompany you while you find transport?”

“No need. I’ll manage.”

Jacob nodded and shook his hand firmly. “I hope I’ll be seeing you again, cousin.”

Keern smiled. “I’m sure you will. Take care of them for me, Jacob.”

Keern turned and walked away, hearing the creaky wheels of the wagon and the clomping of the horses’ hooves as Jacob left.

Keern knew the slavers would be heading for E’Le’Dor, the only planet in the coalition that still allowed slavery. Not many passenger ships serviced Tarun, but he negotiated passage on a small trade ship. Luckily, E’Le’Dor was a prime location on the trade route.

Chapter Eight

Shena followed the woman in front of her, prodded forward by the guard. The door of the ship slid open, revealing an alien landscape beyond. A sea of sand. A wavy horizon. An amber sky.

The planet E’Le’Dor.

She plodded forward, sixth in a long line of women, her ankles and wrists weighed down with chains. The skinny, vacant-eyed young woman ahead of her stumbled as she passed through the doorway. Shena felt the dense, stifling air blast in her face. Her dwindling reserve of energy seared away as she concentrated on moving one foot at a time down the ramp.

Setting foot on an alien planet sent a tremor through her. She squinted against the blazing light of an unfamiliar sun. Her stomach twisted at the thought that soon she would be sold to some brute whose only interest in her was claiming her virginity.

Who would buy her and how she would be treated, she didn’t know, but she was sure it would be a horrendous experience. Some of the other women speculated about rich men buying them and lavishing them with jewels and fine silks, but Shena knew better than to fill her mind with such fancy.

These men wanted fresh virgin bodies, and more than likely once their hymens were spent, the women would be discarded, replaced with new virgin meat. Then they’d probably be sold to brothels. Or for labor. Or just put to death.

Keern watched as Shena was led to the block. He was shocked at the emptiness in her eyes.

After hearing of Wakefield’s death, one of his soldiers must have sold her to the slavers. Keern was surprised she hadn’t been raped by such a despicable man, but it seemed he was more interested in platinum than lust, because Shena was listed as a prime virgin, and interest in her at the market was high.

Keern had arrived on the planet several days before the slavers. His friend Jakmerah was very influential and had accompanied him today to bid on Shena.

The guard shoved Shena’s bound hands over a large, dangling hook. Then another man pulled a chain, hauling the hook and Shena’s arms upward, until she held herself on her tiptoes. She barely seemed to have the strength to do that.

The auctioneer regaled Shena’s attributes in a dialect Keern could barely understand. He heard words like “stunning beauty” and “hair like golden sunshine.” Then the man tore open her rag of a garment, exposing her naked body to the whole marketplace. A protective instinct shot through Keern and he jerked forward, but his companion grabbed his arm.

“Easy, Keern. There is nothing you can do for her now. Leave this to me.”

Keern froze, then nodded. He trusted Jakmerah. He had to leave this in his hands.

The auctioneer slid his hand under Shena’s left breast, lifting it slightly, saying words Keern couldn’t hear through the red-hot rage slicing through him. He swore to himself he would tear the man’s hands off if he ever got close to him. Shena just stood there, like a lifeless statue. The man gestured and the hook rose higher, until she hung from her wrists. He spun her around, lifting her garment to run his hand along her round, firm derriere. Then he spun her back and lifted her ankles, starting to spread her legs.
