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“But that’s not the reason I don’t want her to get involved in politics.” Leonard’s stubbornness sounded close behind her.

“Isn’t it?” Megan had her doubts. “Doreen has spent most of her adult life putting other people first, giving them her time and attention.” She addressed Ean. “She was at every one of your games.”

“I know.” Ean put emotion into those two words.

“She made a home for you and your father.” Megan added before turning to Leonard. “And, Leo, when your wife died, the town rallied around you. But they let you put the pieces of your life together the way you saw fit. How could you do any less for Doreen?”

“That’s not what I’m doing.” Leonard was adamant, but he was wrong.

“Yes, it is. You’re trying to tell her what’s important to her and what she can do. Those are absolutely her decisions.” Megan unlocked her front door. “I want you gentlemen to consider what we just talked about. But do it from the other side of this door.”

The two men exchanged another look. Ean moved first. He stepped in front of Megan and cupped his large hand around her upper arm. “Good night.”

Megan nodded, unable to speak. Heat radiated from her arm across her breasts and deep into her abdomen. She sighed inwardly when Ean released her.

Leonard paused before her, too. “I’m sorry I interrupted your evening.”

“So am I.” She meant it to the bottom of her soul.

Megan locked the door after them and exhaled. She pressed her hand against the cool maple wood. Damn, this was not the way she’d envisioned her evening ending.


Megan walked into the bakery’s kitchen early Friday morning to find Doreen kneading dough at the table. The room already was full to bursting with warm, mouthwatering scents.

Her friend glanced up. “Nice suit.”

“Thank you.” Megan glanced down at her woolen turquoise skirt suit. It was another successful find in her efforts to bring her wardrobe from the darkness into the bright.

“You’re here early. Paperwork?” Doreen’s greeting lacked its usual energy.

Not surprising. Megan wasn’t very energetic this morning, either. Flashes of her argument with Ean and Leonard had kept her awake last night. She swallowed a sigh of regret over the previous evening.

Megan sank into the chair near the corner table, the same chair Ean had used when she’d first seen him again. “I was anxious to check on you this morning. I should have called you last night.”

“Why?” Doreen seemed distracted. Her movements were unusually tentative as she manipulated the dough. Was that because of her argument with Leonard?

She studied the older woman’s profile. “Leo came to my house last night.”

“Oh, Lord.” Doreen froze, squeezing her eyes shut.

“He accused me of coercing you into running for mayor.”

Doreen’s eyes snapped open. “Does he think I’m your puppet?”

“Of course not.” Though Megan could understand how Doreen had come to that unflattering conclusion.

“You just told me, he said you put words in my mouth.” Doreen’s temper was building steam.

“That’s not what he said, Doreen.” Last night, Megan had wanted to slap Ean and Leonard until they came to their senses. This morning, she was working overtime to defend them.

Doreen persisted. “He asked you to get me to change my mind, didn’t he?”

“They’re concerned that you might be taking on too much.”

“They? Was Ean there? Did he want you to get me to change my mind, too?”

Megan hesitated. “Yes.”
