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“Ean, what are your intentions toward my cousin?”

That was unexpected.

Ean struggled to pull his thoughts back together. “Why are you asking?”

“If you break my cousin’s heart, I’ll make every waking moment of your life a living hell.” There was ice in her words.

He returned her steely regard. “In all the years we were together, I think you’ll agree that I treated you well.”

“But Megan is my younger cousin. She’s not used to standing up for herself.”

Ean arched a brow. “She doesn’t have any trouble standing up to me.”

“She does seem to have found her spine recently.” Ramona tilted her head. “Have you had anything to do with that?”

The suggestion was flattering. “I doubt it.”

Ramona didn’t look convinced. “As long as we understand each other, Ean. If you hurt my cousin, I’ll make you sorry you were ever born.”

“I won’t hurt her. I promise.” Ean sat back in his chair, considering this new version of Ramona McCloud. “You and Megan never seemed close.”

Ramona had a tendency to bully Megan, but there was no doubt she meant what she said about the consequences of his mistreating her.

She shrugged. “We’ve had our differences, but she’s the only family I have. And I’ve realized that she’s worth fighting for.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Did you know Megan had a crush on you when she was fourteen?”

“She mentioned that to me.” Ean struggled to hold her gaze.

“I don’t make idle threats, Ean.” Ramona seemed to be channeling her inner Mafia godmother. “Anyone in town can tell you that. With a simple word from me, no one will patronize your practice.”

“I’m sure that’s true.” Or at least she thought it was. “But it won’t be necessary.”

“I hope not.” Ramona held his gaze. “So what are your intentions toward my cousin?”

“I’m in love with her.”

Ramona seemed taken aback by his admission. And then she smiled. “That’s wonderful. When can we expect a marriage proposal?”

It was Ean’s turn to be surprised. “I wasn’t expecting this reaction from you. You seem . . . happy.”

Ramona smiled, blinking rapidly. “In the eight years we were together, you never told me you loved me.”

Ean’s eyes widened. “Ramona, I—”

Ramona waved her hands to interrupt him. “This is wonderful. I know you’re sincere about your feelings. You wouldn’t say you love her, if you didn’t mean it.”

“I do.”

“Great! When will you propose?”

“It’s not that easy.” Ean was frustrated. “I don’t think she trusts me.”

Ramona’s jaw dropped. “Why not? What have you done?”

“Nothing, but I don’t think Megan believes I’m staying in Trinity Falls.”
