Page 45 of The Love Game

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“Ty must be pleased.” Lauren stepped away from Iris’s locked office door and faced her.

“We all are.” The energy and excitement the launch had generated still pulsed throughout the company. They were feeding Tyler’s confidence, as well as her own.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend.” Lauren settled her hands on her slim hips. “But Ty insisted the launch was for employees only.”

“Associates, and yes, it was.” She still wasn’t clear on the reason Lauren had sought her out, but she had the feeling it wasn’t to congratulate her.

“Was that your decision?”

Was she kidding? “I’m an outside consultant. I don’t make decisions for the company.” Why was Lauren questioning her about the launch? Shouldn’t she be speaking with Xavier or Tyler?

“Then it was Ty’s decision.” Lauren drummed her well-manicured fingertips on her hip bones. Her nails were coated with black polish.

“The executive team approved it. That includes Foster, Kayla, Xavier, Van and, yes, Ty.”

“I know who the executives are, sweetie.” Lauren’s smile didn’t make it to her brown eyes.

“Of course you do.” Iris glanced around the hallway. She wasn’t comfortable having this conversation with Lauren out in the open. But to escort the other woman into her office would imply she was encouraging Lauren’s confidences.

She wasn’t.

Lauren continued. “I understand that the external launch starts in two weeks.”

“You know a lot about the project launches.”

Lauren gave her a cat-who-ate-the-canary smile. “Xavier confides in me.”

“Then I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know.” Iris circled Xavier’s girlfriend to get to her office. As she drew closer, she caught the scent of Lauren’s perfume. Like its wearer, it lacked subtlety.

“Actually, there’s something you can tell me.” Lauren’s voice followed Iris.

“What is it?” With great reluctance, Iris faced Lauren again.

“Will the conference be a success?”

I hope so. “Everything is ready. We have our media talking points, presentations and demonstrations.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” Lauren gave Iris a cool smile. “Will the conference be a success?”

“Yes, it will.” Iris sent up a prayer.

“Which means Ty will get his way and become the next CEO of Anderson Adventures.” Lauren’s voice dripped with disgust.

“My focus is on launching the game successfully. I’m not concerned with who runs the company.”

“I am.” Lauren dropped her hands from her hips. “Ty was groomed to ascend to the throne but Xavier would be a much better leader for the company.”

Why was Lauren involving her in this discussion? “Neither of us is in a position to weigh in on that decision.”

“Do you believe Ty’s ready to lead Anderson Adventures?” Lauren’s dark eyes pinned her.

“Lauren, I don’t know what you’re after but I don’t want any part of it.” With that, Iris swiped her security badge through the reader on the conference room door and escaped into her office. The door locked behind her, leaving Lauren in the hallway.

What was that about?

Iris crossed to the glass table and sat in front of her laptop. She tapped the space bar to reawaken her computer. The monitor returned to her Microsoft Outlook screen.

Darn it! I forgot to lock my
